Here are the bunny photos as promised.
I TELL YOU, THAT THING KNOWS IT'S BEING CUTE! It keeps doing it! Even Mike is going soft, and Mike is a macho Texas cowboy who chews on metal bars when he is bored.

Bunny in my angmoh's hands.
They are both angmohs!
The Bunny comes from Holland where it can smoke weed legally! I told Kelvin I am going to blow the fan into the bunny's box's holes for some ventilation, and Kelvin asked, "Is the bunny going to be too cold?"
I gave him the -_- face and told him the bunny is used to snow and stuff like that. It's currently 8 degrees in his natural habitat, so I don't think a SONA fan will harm it much.
OOOHH, cold! Weak bunny!

There's another lop-ear bunny there which looks like a dog!
It's super cute and keeps lazing around.

It likes the fan, see?

I put him on my computer table, where it is fascinated by my kickass lcd screen.

Pretending to be a Guinea pig

Acting cute

Found a friend

Cloudy is super jealous


Naughty bunny kept chewing on the tissue!

I hope Momo doesn't mind me using her tupperware... =X

My favourite photo!

The bunny doesn't like being sniffed by me it seems
It smells nice, like bunny. :D

Round ball of fluff!

Acting cute again!


Might be a friend...


A kiss!
(The TY bunny is given to me by Mike and his mom. :D)

One more of bunny ass

It peed here. :(
It's super cute and keeps lazing around.

It likes the fan, see?

I put him on my computer table, where it is fascinated by my kickass lcd screen.

Pretending to be a Guinea pig

Acting cute

Found a friend

Cloudy is super jealous


Naughty bunny kept chewing on the tissue!

I hope Momo doesn't mind me using her tupperware... =X

My favourite photo!

The bunny doesn't like being sniffed by me it seems
It smells nice, like bunny. :D

Round ball of fluff!

Acting cute again!


Might be a friend...


A kiss!
(The TY bunny is given to me by Mike and his mom. :D)

One more of bunny ass

It peed here. :(
And thus the bunny is brought out of my place and whisked to Ritz Carlton, where Kelvin the kai zi booked a $400 room for Qing qing's birthday.
The idiot told her they are going swimming, so she dressed down.
Just to illustrate the disparity in dressing, I was in a white dress with blue-green fishnet stockings and blue-green heels.
Stupid Kelvin!
Luckily QQ brought a change of clothes and some make up.

She is happy coz...

Got nice bdae cake

Her friends are there (inclusive of me hor, taking photos)
And her family's also there! (Though I didn't put up their pic coz I am scared some of them might not like it)
QQ very happy with the bunny:

I swear it is acting cute again lar!

Mr Wee, main sponsor of bunny. Qihua and me paid $30 each.

After make up!
KK and I giving QQ a pageant kiss

KK's bf Sho snapped an ugly shot while we were unaware.
From here we can see that QQ is always ready and thus the queen of cam-whoring.

+ sea view
After this, we moved on to Haru restaurant in One Fullerton for dinner, together with QQ's family.
Before I begin with the photos, I'm going to complain about this stupid Haru restaurant.
Kelvin had this book from Tattler that shows the top 100 Singaporean restaurants, and he chose Haru, coz he thought the family might like Japanese food more than, say, French (coz got kids also).
So fine.
There were about 18 people that day, and the bill came up to $1,400 +++. (Which Kelvin paid.....)
So that's around $80 per pax, right? Good, now we have established that we are paying good money, and we expect good service in return.
But look!

KK and me

QQ and me

QQ KK and me

Mike, expectant
*Picture removed coz some managers
can be sooooo ridiculous. Roll eyes*
QQ's family, with her parents, da jie, er jie and her brother

Fann being boh liao with my camera

QQ and I acting like bunnies

Mike + me

Just me + bored KK at the back

Girls love diamonds, even the fake ones

and general waiting...
We arrived at 7pm, mucked around till maybe 7.20pm to order, and by 8.45pm, our main courses haven't even arrived.
And as you can see, the restaurant is really fucking empty (there are more empty seats you can't see)
We all ordered Kobe beef, and the beef was just RAW UNMARINATED CUBES that we were supposed to cook ourselves on hot stones!
Must fly to Japan first to kill the cow huh?
After the beef cubes arrived, it took another 15 mins (20 for poor KK) for the hot stones to come.
Can you imagine your room-temperature beef cubes just sitting on the table for so long? It's bloody unhygienic la!
One of the waitress gave us SUCH bad service.
Namely she:
1) When QQ asked for iced water for the table, she exclaimed, "For EVERYONE?!" in an incredulous manner and gave a look as if it is ridiculous that everyone needs a glass of water. Hello?! $80 per pax! Water took 10 mins to arrive.
2) When our tempuras arrived, it came with NO SAUCE. We asked for sauce once, and she said it's coming. 5 mins later, we asked again, and now she irritably said it is coming.
By the time it arrived, we were already so famished that most of us ate the tempura without it's special sauce.
3) We had 2 tables, and one table had Kobe beef served much earlier to them than my table.
When we had our beef, QQ and Kelvin put their beef on the hot stone, only to have it stick to the stone and char on the stone's surface, wasting the expensive tormented calf meat.
So QQ asked her, "How do you cook this? Are you supposed to cook with this sauce or what?" - pointing to some sauces given to her.
The waitress replied, "No, for Kobe beef don't need sauce."
And Kelvin said, "But it sticks to the stone. Do we need oil to cook this?"
And she said, "Oh, you want the oil?"
We checked, and the other table had the oil served to them together with their hot stone.
Fucking idiotic waitress.
She's like serving us a McChicken without a chicken fillet, and when you ask her about it, she goes, "Oh, you want a chicken fillet with that?"
Oil took another 10 years to come.
4) I asked her how long more my food is going to take to come. She replied curtly, "It's coming."
And so I said, "Yes, but I want to know HOW LONG MORE."
I could have slapped her. She replied again, "It's coming." this time raising her eyebrows at me and turning on her heel to leave.
So, the next time she came to our table, I said, "I want to speak to your manager."
And you will never guess what she replied! Yes! She said, "But your food is coming already!" like, therefore, I shouldn't request to see her manager. *roll eyes*
She shrugged and motioned him over, but the manager is just a blibbering tiny Japanese guy whom I can't understand most of the time, although he was very apologetic and explained something about how the kitchen only has 5 staff inside.
I told him that the restaurant is not even half full, and if you only want to have 5 chefs then please let us know in advance so we will come at 3pm in future to eat at 6pm!
He just kept saying sorry, so I waved him away.
They gave us complimentary dessert, but guess what guys? NEVER GO THERE.
Haru in One Fullerton = BAD BAD BAD
The experience was sooooo horrible.
Kelvin suggested that maybe our table's food was so slow coz they saw that the other table (which had it's food come way faster) had Fann Wong.
I squinted at him and hollered, "THEN THEY ARE STUPID COZ FANN WONG DOESN'T HAVE A BLOG!" and Kelvin laughed.

Pity, the outside of the restaurant had a nice view
End of day!
We go sing KTV, and QQ finally cried coz she is touched. :D

Or maybe it is coz of the way the waitress treated us, I won't know.
Rozz invited me to the launch of Esprit in Heeren
They gave me $500 worth of Esprit vouchers! Happy happy!

Food by NYDC

QQ + me

There was this bunch of white (with 1 single Chinese and 1 single Black girl) models, erm, modeling Esprit's clothes just beside NYDC, so i told Mike to just go and walk into the area, pretending to be one of the models.
Won't it be so fucking funny?!
All the rest of the models will be like, "Where this siao guy come up from?" all while Mike struts his stuff, giving his best Zoolander look.

With Randall Tan


Ericia Lee
I didn't manage to take any photo with Rozz :(
Screw all of you guys who said I should stop being buay paiseh (coz I am not a celebrity, etc rubbish).
Because my life's motto is: "If you don't ask, you don't get!"
And because I asked, I got a pink psp now!

Arrived in the mail!


It comes inclusive of some really fun games! :D
My pink PSP is given courtesy of Agloco Singapore.
Agloco is a company that paid you to surf the internet. Its former company, AllAdvantage has raised nearly US$200 million in venture capital and paid over US$120 million to its members. If you are interested to get paid for surfing web, you can join Agloco Singapore for free. =)