Jumat, 04 September 2009

Watch New Videos!

Chick VS Dick

The hair styling challenge! Who can do whose hair better?

Girls are normally better at multi-tasking but will Paul win Kaykay in this challenge? And what's sort of math solution is he drawing there????

Xiaxue's Guide to Life

Heavily requested Guide to Life episode on NAILS!

For those of you who have never done fake nails in your life, this would be totally educational and potentially life-changing!

You won't be known as The Girl With Hideous Nails anymore!!!!!

And for those of you who have been following me on Twitter... You might already know what the next episode is about...

And the trailer for the next episode of Guide to Life is there in the last few seconds of the clip...


It's the Guide to Kissing a Girl, and...


If you want to see us make out like attention-seeking whores (fine, the idea was conceived by me) and why, you just have to wait for the next episode to come out!!

I think it's coming out next Friday, if I'm not wrong.

We had loads of fun filming it...

I'm excited to see it too!

Someone alert the Gutter dude! He's gonna jizz in his pants! (For his love of Kaykay, not for me.)

I know I haven't been blogging interesting stuff lately but at least I filmed interesting stuff, right?? Right??

Woooh! Two hugeass photos of me!

One of them is photoshopped to death, guess which one?



Back to farming on Farmville.

I LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!!!