Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Fruity Fruity Lite!


Don't know about you guys, but I always have this problem at home. Whenever I eat meals at home, which is pretty often, I always feel like I want to have a drink to go with it.

Not plain water coz it's not as nice, but packet/can drinks always runs out so fast (not to mention damn heavy to lug home from stores), and they are real unhealthy!!

Since my meals are already usually healthy, I'm always on the lookout for a drink that is LIGHT, REFRESHING, and even better if it has health benefits too!

It really irks me sour drinks sold are mostly very strong tasting, like iced lemon tea (too sweet usually) or lime juice (too sour, not light enough).


Since it's already a best seller in Watsons, I think some of you might have heard about it before.

Fruity Lite is a healthy, refreshing plum-like all natural digestive drink specially manufactured through advanced scientific methods from high grade hawthorn fruit.

Here's how it looks like

Never heard of it? Neither have I.

But this magical fruit can help digestion, reduce lipid levels in the body, reduce bad breath and improve blood circulation! It also exhibits potent antioxidant properties.

The box is resealable, and...

Comes in 12 light satchels for easy mixing!! Yums!!

Like this!

I really love this drink because it tastes awesome and is so easy to make!

Its flavour is kinda like plum but it is very mild and only very slightly sweet.

Really thirst-quenching too.

The best time to drink it is after an oily, heavy meal, because it really helps cleanse your palette and dispel the oily feeling! After drinking it I realised it makes me feel a lot less bloated.

Plus, it leaves your breath smelling nice!! :D Don't ask me how the hawthorn fruit does it, I don't know. Maybe it's just magical.

As for easy to make, here's how to do it:

Tear open satchel

And you'd find the dry mix inside. Ugly but it's good stuff!

Pour into glass

Add water! Warm, cold, room temperature. Up to you! (I'm using cold)


OMG it dissolves!

Stir till happy

Check it

Add some ice

And there you have it, yum yum yum!!

Drink it

Drink it some more

Finish it!

A great healthy alternative to soft drinks! Fruity Lite even helps relieve constipation!!!


Treat your guests to Fruity Lite...

It's only $6.90 per box, and best of all...

When you buy a big box you
get a small box totally free!!


Get your Fruity Lite today at any Watsons and other supermarkets... It's so cheap, really a must-try!

For more information and a full list of places selling Fruity Lite, click HERE!

Everybody loves Egg Tarts!



Went to KFC that day... This is the story of what happened:

Hungry yet??


It's gonna be a long-term item in their menu and these Portuguese egg tarts with a famous recipe is baked FRESH inhouse so that you can savour the tarts' goodness all piping hot and melty!

It is surprising how well the reception went... Everyone who tasted it that day totally fell in love with it! Afterall, what's there not to like?

The puff pastry is savoury, crispy and buttery, and the egg custard is exactly how it looks like - melt in your mouth, spreads like cream on your tongue and not too sweet!

And on top of it, golden caramelised sugar which is slightly crunchy, just like creme brulee!!!!!! It's Chinese Creme Brulee made affordable in a puff pastry!! :D :D :D

Seriously, who would expect KFC, a fried chicken restaurant to do such fantastic egg tarts too?

And only at $1.30 for one,
$7.50 for a box of six!!

It is a MUST TRY!!!

The box is specially designed with a heart coz this year's CNY coincides with Valentine's day. Great and easy for bringing to 'bai nian'!!

These delicious egg tarts are available all day at selected KFC restaurants. So you can have it as breakfast, dessert or as a snack! Visit www.kfc.com.sg for full listing. I had my first taste of KFC Egg Tart at HarbourFront!


Certain pics credit to Lewis, with his hugeass pro camera...

And Shengrong who took some nasty photos of me but also some good ones.

p/s: I ate 3 tarts on top of the chicken and fries KFC provided... Almost burst!


Yay me!! I'm going to London for the next 4 days, so I thought, to please you all I'd post up a blog post before I go! (Which is in 3 hours' time, I'm totally not sleeping so I will zonk out on the plane!) Woohoo!

In case you are wondering why I'm flying, it's coz of PROJECT ALPHA!

As quoted, "Project Alpha is Malaysia's first on-line show about real life bloggers, giving you a sneak peek into their lives and what makes them tick!"

So yes, I'm one of the bloggers, and crazily enough, they will be flying me there to film my episode!!

*mad happy*

Unless I get free wifi I don't think I'd be posting anything new, so here are some photos in case you forget me!!!


Met up and rising designer Keith Png for the first time... If you remember, he will be designing my wedding gown!! I was really excited and as a bonus I got to also meet Clarence Lee, THE famous make up artist!!

Both of them were so super nice, BFF (she went with me) and I couldn't stop raving afterwards. :D

After asking me about a zillion questions about how I would like my gown to be like and getting me all excited about the soon-to-be tailored dress, I couldn't resist snapping pics. His store is so gorgeous!

Homemade ice lemon tea was offered to us in sick chic goblets. These designers and their immaculate taste!

Clothes clothes clothes

Yes to tulle

Dunno what this Shuyin is doing, always being ding dong

Keith was making a weird face in the pic so I censored him out. LOL

Keith + Clarence

Keith + Me!!

I told him we look mad AA together, both blonde!!

Apparel hanging on light bulbs

That's a real clock

Crazily precarious staircase

So psychedelic

Blonde and brunette lol

Wayfarer girls


Rozz invited us to Cupid Jewellery for an event... Loads of camwhoring shots at the end. HAHAHA!

Gorgeous pink champagne!

Me + Rozz

Rozz does her famous "OH HAI!!" face

This is obviously supposed to look glamourous but I did drop that strand of hair -_-

Kaykay and I with the ever so cute Zin. xoxo


Something about walking down golden stairs make you feel all superstar

Camwhoring time!!

And lastly, two pictures of Nanolove:

Famous "Eating While Sleeping" pose. So unladylike, all her bits can be seen. But the pink fuzzy foot in the air!! And the tufty tail!! And the paws!! Awwww!

And nomming on a strawbie. HOW CUTE!


Wanna catch updates on how I do in London during the filming of Project Alpha? You can join the FB page!!

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