Sabtu, 19 Mei 2007

Hurray!!! Blogger just announced that they now auto-save my posts!!

Anyway, sorry for taking so long to update, between blogging for Stomp, conquering Super Mario (world 6 now) and my daily bummer activities, I've got like no inspiration + time to blog!

I need to blog more!!!

Even the NY photos I've not edited!!!!!!!

I know, I am such a horrible procrastinator. :( :(

I actually woke up that day feeling very mean, and I started writing a blog entry titled "Top 5 most disgusting people in the Singapore blogosphere".


It feels so good to insult people!!

Needless to say, this will start raging a "blog tsunami" as Wanyi calls it, but I am afraid of offending certain people, and that's why that AWESOME post is not being put online yet.

Hahaha... I know that now you are dying to find out who those 5 people are!!

Sigh... There are soooooooo many disgusting bloggers around. (Attempts to link to these people or suggest their website/nicks in the comments will be deleted - don't want to give anyone any excess clicks just yet)

Update on my life: Mike just signed for the rental of a nice little place in Changi, and I think I'd be staying over pretty often!!

The place has two bedrooms, one of which is HUGE (like two normal rooms), so Mike has agreed to let me put all my nonsensical fluffy pink stuff in there - my computer, make-up, accessories, etc.

And this room, I loosely call "The Princess Room".

I can't wait to decorate it!!!

As well as the rest of the house! Thank god for Ikea Tampines.

FRIENDS CAN COME OVER TO PLAY MJ AND SWIM AND BBQ!!!!!!!!!! *faints* Super happy.

Rental prices are fucking crazy-high nowadays!!!!! Dingy 3-room (which means actually 2 rooms) hdbs are going for $1,200 per month - and these hdbs are fucking old and gouldy and unfurnished and ugly too!!

Condos seems to be a better deal, going for $1,600 - $1,800 at the lower end tier.

Isn't it mad???! Property prices are mad recently! I might turn into a real estate agent soon.

I KNOW! I sound so sophisticated and adult-like right, when I talk about property rates? Mai siao siao hor, I am very smart one you know!! Muahaha!

So yeah, you east-siders will be seeing me more often now!

I hate east-siders. I've stayed in the West all my life (Clementi, Boon Lay, Queensway, Teban), and for some reason east-side people are CONSTANTLY insulting the west!!


They always say west very industrial and ugly and under-developed, and how east side is better coz you guys have the stupid sea and better places to eat food blah blah.

Full of nonsense.

HOLLAND VILLAGE = WEST = Nice and expensive place

BUKIT TIMAH = WEST = QUEEN ASTRID PARK = Most expensive place in Monopoly

And plus plus the west has science centre and erm, zoo, and erm, ice-skating rink!! Hmpf!

Shuyin says everyone is being boh liao because Singapore is way too small to have disparities between east and west side, hahaha...

She is only saying that coz she stay North, which is the most sucky of all!!!

Muahahaha...! I am joking. I am trying to start a who-stay-where-better-war.

Anyway, Gillian sent me this email, which I thought is super hilarious!!!

Where Air Stewardesses Sleep

Boeing 747-400

KLM Airline

Airbus A340

Boeing 777

Singapore Airlines

SQ with TV and inflight telecommunications

Canadian Airlines




Funny right? I don't know if the information about the various airlines are accurate though.



UPDATE: People mentioned that that's not Air Asia (which was the information I got from the email I received) but instead a domestic China airline. Sorry for the accusation Air Asia!!

Senin, 14 Mei 2007

Online Shopping


In my teenage days, when I couldn't afford to buy clothes from shops that have to pay for their rent, I bought a lot of clothes from Yahoo auctions!

Not to mention that then I haven't started blogging yet I had a lot of time online. :D

Some of the clothes turned out ok, but some... GRRRRR! Makes me boil!

Once, I bought a bikini set which claimed to be new but had some stains on the bottom at you-know-where! Ewww! I don’t want to put someone's stain on me can?!

And searching for the clothes you like was tedious since auctioneers liked to label their clothes with everything irrelevant from Nokia to sex toys.

Which is why, I think it's a good idea to have an online clothes shop where you can just scroll and scroll on, browsing super a lot of clothes – which are guaranteed new with no gross stains!


Not to mention that their models are really quite pretty too, so boys can click and see eye candy as well. ;)

(Digressing, I've seen other online shops, and they always shoot their photos with an amateur camera with models having their heads cut out of the frame. I think that's kinda gross coz it makes me think the headless model is wearing the exact same piece I am buying, and I can't even see how she looks like!)

A lot of the clothes there are kinda Korean-looking and pretty chic - ranging from shorts to tops to skirts to dresses etc.

The prices are really affordable too, from $10+ to $40+ (for dresses) - and I really like the way they pair up the clothes in so many different photos so you can have an idea of how to wear the apparel best!

I got to choose 3 pieces from them:


Low V-neck spaghetti top with leopard prints.
Velvet material with straps adjustable. Lace lining at the top


I'm working towards my bombshell goal! Really like the diamantes on the lining - it ensures extra attention on me. Ha! I'm such an attention-whore.

Singlet style pullover
material velvet, with fold in hem at the bottom

The empire-cut is flattering for your boobs, and yet the dress/top is flowy enough for you to eat a cow and not look like a cow.


The velvet sounds like it would be unsuitable for Singapore's weather, but it's actually very soft and thin. Perfect for a casual date!

Sigh, I wish Mike would bring me on more dates.

Body hugging material made from stretchy cotton
Easy to match with for all occasions

Peach pink cardigan. I chose this coz girls can never have enough jackets! This is just thick enough to prevent freezing in a cinema, and thin enough to be squeezed into our handbags!

Goes well with basic-colour tops/dresses, or I guess you can wear it by itself if you wish to. *cough* slut *cough

It even matches with the wall behind, haha

Nice right!

Except, of course, I cannot pose like those models lar, they are professionals can. Plus, I am severely sunburnt, so pardon the horrible skin.

The most annoying thing about purchasing stuff online is to find out later that it is completely not the same as the photo you thought it looks like, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the clothes I chose were exactly like the pictures shown!

I haven't bought anything from online clothing shops before, because I always think that if they are not going to deliver it to me after I pay, I won't be able to do anything about it.

I can't even burn their shop down because it doesn't physically exist!

But Papergirlsshop is a registered company, so I don’t think problems like that will occur. :D

The items are all ready stocks, which means that they are not just ordering it from their suppliers AFTER your purchase... which also means that you get your items fast! They will be sent out within 3 working days.

If you are unhappy with the product, you can always send it back for an exchange of size or design (but not money la, you think what).

Not Singaporean? Not to worry, if you live anywhere with an address (the postman is willing to travel to), your clothes can be sent to you - but you have to purchase at least 3 pieces for international shipping.

Payment can be made via bank transfer too (personally I think it's safer and more efficient)!! No more using credit cards or paypal unless you want to!

Happy shopping girls~!!! And boys too, if erm, that's your cup of tea... Oh! And so you say you are buying it for your... girlfriend! I see. Nope, not a cross dresser, didn't think for a minute you were.

The link once again.

(Comments are disallowed, sorry!!!!)