Senin, 01 Maret 2010

The conspiracy that deceived us all

It's 4am and I'm lying in bed hit by an urgent need to blog this. On my berry that is.

See just a few minutes ago I wanted to look at my hair. It's swiftly becoming my favourite asset because it's the most attention-grabbing thing that's growing from me. Granted it's tortured with loads of chemicals to turn it this colour but still... Gorgeous.

So basically to take "looking at my hair" to the next step I used two mirrors to see how an admiring person standing behind me will view my hair (lucky them!).

And it struck me that not only is it chio, it's bloody long!! It has - finally - hit my waist!!!

I'm officially one of those girls with waist-length hair!! Together with water nymphs and sirens and angels etc. (Poor village people not counted. Do they use serum? No. Anyway they probably just put on wigs when the discovery channel people come along. Duh. Poor AND zero integrity)

So anyway my point is that my hair is long!

And WHY is it long???

U may think the answer is so silly even those village people can answer it.

It is coz I haven't cut it in AGES!!

Simple... But yet... Due to a lie that has swept the world, most girls will tell u that long, healthy hair only exists coz of REGULAR TRIMMING.

Regular trimming my sweet ass.


Trimming does not, I quote most people, cut away the split ends so the hair can grow.

Rubbish. My hair. Waist. 1 year no cutting. 'Nuff said.

So here's my theory of how this conspiracy came about. One day, a dumbshit girl decided to cut her gorgeous long hair short thinking she will look spunky and refreshed.

Instead she just looked like a boy and nobody wanted to fuck her. So she went crying to her hairdresser and said, "I'm so bloody sad coz I used to be the pretty one in the group and now it's Jenny because her hair is all swishy!! Boohoohoo!!"

And she continued, hiccupping, "I just wish every other girl also would have short hair... By the time mine is long jenny's will be LONGER!! Boohoohoo!"

So the hairdresser had an epiphany and said, "Wait a min... I think I might have a solution!! That would benefit BOTH me and u!"

The next day when swishy Jenny went to the salon, the evil hairdresser then told jenny that she needs to "trim her ends" so that it will grow faster, longer, healthier!

Coz this would mean Jenny would keep coming back for trims, and that's business!!

"Are u sure?" said Jenny, "It seems highly illogical that I should be cutting something I wanna grow..."

The hairdresser used hair jargons (follicles!! R2D2!! Etc!!) and Jenny believed him.

So centuries passed and the myth that trimming hair aids hair growth ballooned to enormous severity.

Smarter girls who know the truth (like me) but are less nice are also helping to spread it.

Queen bitch had a bad haircut? She's also probably telling friends they have split ends and need a trim. Can't slim down gotta make 'em all fat!!

Girls who complain their hair never grow long? Also the idiots who "trim".

Girls with fab long hair DO NOT cut!!

(Instead they go for treatments and apply generous amounts of serum)

So yes, I'm letting u in on the secret of a lifetime!!

No matter what a hairstylist says, do not cut your ends if u wanna grow out your hair! It's a biz trick!

Girlfriend tries to persuade u to take an inch off? Don't hold back - punch her in the ovaries. How do u like that now, bitch? Friends don't sabotage friends to get "boycuts", aka "instant desexifier".

Now you may think that this blog entry is ridiculous and that there is plenty of proof/evidence/sciencey shit that shows hair grows faster with trimming.

Well that's coz you are either taken in by the lies spun by centuries of hairdressers who pay PR people to conjure nasty fake statistics and bribe scientists to lie...


You are one of those nasty girls who have ugly hair. Well sux2BU but seriously girl, go buy a wig and stop sabotaging the rest of us, yo.

Yes, you all may be weeping, reeling in the fact you have been deceived for years but shitloads of ill-meaning people.

But now you know better.

Ok I got this off my chest. You know what's also on my chest? My gorgeous long hair! Which I'm not gonna trim. Coz trimming is for dumbfucks.


Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Your Asian Skin Solution!


The largest and most visible organ on our body is our skin, which is why we need to take superb care of it!!

That's why I was happy when Asian Skin Solutions asked me if I would like to try out their O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment!!

(Never too early to start to look good for my wedding teeheehee)

Ok this photo looks more artistic:

Asian Skin Solutions is specially tailored to Asian females, and that's why before my facial treatment, all sorts of questions were asked so that they can better known my skin and give the best sort of treatment to me!

Questions such as the my lifestyle, environmental conditions etc. :D

After my analysis and consultation, I was led into their rooms... Located conveniently at Orchard Central (that's the mall next to 313), they have a spacious corrider at the back where all the treatment rooms are!

The comfy bed I fell asleep on later. -_-

And here I am before the treatment!!
I have no foundation on so you can see all my skin's flaws.

Ok lah here's a clearer view of my face!! I got shitloads of tiny zits on my forehead!

The first step is Double Cleansing!

It's shiok!!!

Anyway there are 8 steps in total.

Second step is the O2 Peel, then the X-lotion Steam!

Here's the bubbling water in the machine for the X-lotion Steam.

At this point I already felt that my skin was super refreshed and light!

Step 4 is Extraction, which is the most unpleasant part of any facials...

Using tools (like metal tools), the therapist will extract clogged white heads/black heads etc from your skin, and squeeze zits! Oh my poor forehead.

Luckily, this process wasn't that painful because the steam already softened my skin and loosened the pores.

It's necessary though coz in the long term clogged pores do bad things to your skin!

Next my therapist did step 5: O2 Spray!

It was very fun coz a jet of pure oxygen was sprayed on my skin!! Very cooling and nice after the extraction. The stream of oxygen was very intense and I imagined all my dead skin cells flying off. LOL!!

Step 6 was a Facial Massage and I could feel myself nodding off... It was so shiok.

And then for Step 7: Double Mask!!!

The therapist spread a super thick and cool paste on my face and zzzzz I have no idea what happened after that coz I fell asleep. Hahaha!

And done!! HAHAHA! My face!

Now for the last step which is my favourite: SHOULDER MASSAGE!!!

Enjoy maximum!!

And this is my AFTER!!

Skin is definitely more glowy and brightened. Totally feels silky smooth, baby-soft and QQ!! It is super hydrated and luminous. :D

After being a satisfied client, I still had presents!! Mad shiok!!

Asian Skin Solutions showed me some of their products, the DK1 line, which is only available with them and nowhere else.

I was given the Dual Revitalize Cleanser (tallest bottle at $98)...

What can I say? Awesome cleanser! Smells very, erm, I guess the only word to describe it is LUXURIOUS!!

After I use it I feel I should use an expensive body wash too. Hahaha!!

The texture is very viscous and smooth. Can be used as a make up remover too!

DK1 Skin Energizing Booster and H20 Lift

The booster is a great serum that will provide immediate lifting effect and help lock in moisture!

The H20 Lift is an excellent moisturizer with the ability to hold 50 times of water to its mass!! What the! Why so amazing one?

Vita Mineral Block 60! ($128)

Sunblock with SPF 60!! It simulates "collagen synthesis", which I have no idea is what but it sounds good.

The texture is very light - water based and not sticky!! If you are looking for the perfect sunblock, can give this a try!




Enjoy an O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment worth $280 at only $28 today!!!

That's the same one I did, and I assure you it's awesome!!!

All you have to do:

Sms AsianXX_FullName_Nric to 83884888 to enjoy O2 Peel Rejuvenation Facial Treatment at $28 or call 67670077 and mention Xiaxue to enjoy the same deal.

Not finished with the goodies yet!!!

Xiaxue readers get 25% of package deals should they decide to sign up, AND 5% off product prices!!



Terms and Conditions to apply:

- Females only
- 21 and above
- Only for first time customers

p/s: Join Asian Skin Solutions fanpage now on Facebook to be updated on exclusive and latest promotions & to join Asian Skin Solutions Facebook contests!

Asian Skin Solutions will be holding a contest and be searching for a face for Asian Skin Solutions beginning of April. Details to be up in Asian Skin Solutions facebook fanpage end of March. Be a fan of Asian Skin Solutions in facebook to be updated on latest details! Link HERE.