Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

Finally, piccies!!

I just finished MJ!! Won $45!! Very tired but guess I'll blog first before going to bed.

Met up with Junne, Clara and Ben for dinner at some Jap restaurant at the basement of Raffles City...

The concept is exactly like the old Marche's, except they serve Jap food instead of angmoh food. It's freaking crowded can!? By the time you buy the food back to your table and start eating it is quite cold already lor...

Camwhoring on the cab:

Without skin smoothening

With skin smoothening

Nabeh I edited both of these photos at different times so they turned out looking so different. Photoshop also got mood one ok!!

Was leopard printy that day

I love my stud! Pink and white stripey beach ball with clear diamante!

I better stop looking so doe-eyed otherwise wait people say I am DY-wannabe how?

Junne and Clara, real friends whom I don't talk shit about.
Their teeth not yellow! :)

Our mediocre food. Is it just me?? Did we order the wrong stuff? The pizza and egg thingy was nice, but otherwise very bah.

Lose the card and pay $$$$!

Junne took 3 tries to take this photo lor... The first two were videos. I look exceedingly dumb in them. If you want to see the video I'll upload it.

Ben acting cute. I hate Ben!!!!!!!!! I'll tell you why later.

Where got people so buay paiseh one keep asking me to take photos for the 3 of them.

Photo taken by Ben, who managed to cut his own head off

Taken by the waiter. OMG! The waiter was like damn GONG can? He took 1 picture, and it turned out realllllllly blur. Then when I told him that the first picture is blur, like can you help us take another one?, he looked at me damn seriously and told me that my camera screen is blur!! What the??

My F21 dress is super slutty. Tie at the back and crazy short! I heart bare-back dresses. :D

Again failure at self-shots

Taken by Junne, who is clearly an expert camwhorer.

I was telling them about my Mahjong losses that day when I turned up to look at the ceiling. It was mocking me.

Junne: Guess who's really talking on the phone?

Actually it's Clara! I was pretending... Well done hor?


Don't see like machiam very chummy like that. I actually hate Ben!

Where got people eat with 2 forks??

Ben wants to see if a fork can poke through a plastic nose.

Please hor!!

Plastic people also human ok!! What the fuck is going to happen to my corpse if I get buried? I mean, after years and years when my bones disintegrate, will my implant still be there?

BTW, I don't know if I've mentioned this, but going ahead with the nose job was the best decision I've ever made. THANK YOU MEDIACORP, DR MARTIN HUANG, MUNKYSUPERSTAR I LOVE HEART YOU ALL!

Thank god I fought for it and didn't listen to my mom/Howard/Mike, etc!!

Whenever I look back at my old videos/pictures I just think the old bulbous nose was really very distracting. It's like THERE, in the middle of my face, taking up so much space and like... having a bloody life of its own!

I did the surgery because I've always HATED my old nose. I still am not 100% satisfied with my current nose because it is still not perfect, but I won't do another surgery because I think the reason for doing it will be wrong.

Also because I have no money la. HAHAHA!

The thing about plastic surgery is... if there is something you are really dissatisfied with, why not change it? This "purpose" is to make you feel better about yourself - less self-conscious, etc.

But if your reason is to be ultra beautiful/perfect, then I don't think that reason is right. Because when do you know when to stop? Nobody's ever really perfect, correct?

Hiyah I dunno how to explain la! Basically my point is that people need to know when to stop.

I am not encouraging everyone to also go do it. I mean, there are plenty of blotched jobs around too, but just in case anyone is curious about what I think, 1 year after my nose job.... I never regretted it. Best day of my life in fact!

Junne very happy thinking about my implant lying around with my bone ashes :(

Still laugh!

Clara acting chio

Freaky? Hahahaha!

Nowadays I love to insert the lower ball bearing of my tongue stud into my straw (the size is exactly right!!) and pretend to innocent friends that the tongue stud got stuck and it really hurts a lot.

It freaks them out totally! :D

But in actual fact it is not painful at all. I did this to Mike 3 times and pretended to whimper in pain and ask him to take the straw out for me.

On the third try he finally wisened up and took the straw away from me. =(

Looks like you...

Your boyfriend!!!

Anyway hor, today I am damn angry at BEN!!!

People who don't play Mahjong won't understand so just skip it.

So... We were playing MJ right, then... everyone's cards was quite big except for Ben's... Nobody knew what he was doing la.

Then it was the very very last card. I drew a bloody BIRD.

The bird is a damn safe card coz there were already 3 on the discard pile and nobody wanted suos.

Since my card was the last card, by right I didn't have to throw it, correct?

But in my relief that the game was going to be a stalemate, I threw out the bird, like showing the others, "Cheh... nothing happening la! Last card so anti-climax!"

I didn't actually MEAN to throw out the bird la.

And suddenly... you guessed it.


When he opened his cards I thought he was just showing us that he ting pai or what...



TIO BAO $30!!!!!!!!!!!! (Coz we play shooter-pay)


Really a stunner lor. Ben insisted that if you throw out the last card it is still counted as throwing... Sorry!


End of MJ rants. At the end of the day Ben won $70 and I won $45 so I shall not complain!


I've received several emails and comments asking if I penned this. Wtf? Automatically it is me meh?

To this unfounded allegation, all I have to say is, WHERE IS THE PROOF?

No proof don't anyhow say hor! Wait I sue you ah! Tsk tsk!!

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

My videos are awesome

New videos yo!


Going Blonde

Ever thought of dyeing your hair blonde?
It's not as simple as a tub of bleach man! A lot of effort one ok!
Got guest appearance by Kaykay. Click to see. :D


The Poker Challenge

Kaykay faces Paul Twohill in strip poker. Will kaykay lose all her clothes? Just joking la, it's normal poker! But still very funny nonetheless! Paul makes Kaykay hoping mad again, and for me, that's always fun to see. HAHAHA!!


Literal waitress

What happens when a waitress takes your orders literally?
Click to find out!

If you got any suggestions for Guide to Life or Chick VS Dick episodes, like for example, you want to see a video guide on how I brush my teeth, etc, do send an email to info@clicknetwork.tv! Your suggestion might just be taken up!

Lastly, here's my radio interview with Rosalyn Lee on 98.7FM. I love you Rozzie and the crazy intern!! muah muah!!

How come some people's embedding can be a chio pink colour frame one ah??

Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Be Absolutely You

Advertorial sponsored by Kimberly Clark

Ok here's a fair warning... BOYS GO AWAY! This is a girl's entry and purely for females only!

I told you to go away!!

Fine! Read it if you want! I'm gonna be talking about PERIODS!

Frankly, I hate having my period. Everytime it arrives, it reminds me of my early secondary school days when I would get cramps so horrific I can honestly just faint man!

But thinking back now, I realised I don't really hate periods that much anymore. They are more of a come-and-go thing for me and don't really bother me much.

Gone are the secondary school days of staining skirts! And why am I the one who's always washing people's skirts for them as they hide in the toilet??! (BTW I once used chalk/liquid paper to cover up my stain coz my uniform was white. Haha... My mother wasn't pleased.)

As medicine is invented for my cramps, other things are also invented that are a God-sent.

Such as pads so thin:

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin with wings

(Amazing hor...? And ultra absorbent too!)

The experience of having my period has come a long way since Feb 6 1995 when I first got it.

Yes! I still remember the exact date ok! I ran to my mother and told her, expecting her to hug me and exclaim, "Yes! You are finally a woman my little baby girl!" but she did nothing of that sort.

In fact she just nonchalantly gave me a pad.

A super thick pad!!

Nowadays periods are so much easier. Pads have improved drastically since 1995, and from slim, they become thin, and now... ultrathin!

They are no longer so heavy they make your panties look like diapers.They no longer leak from the sides.

My grandmama told me that during HER time, when pads were still not invented, women had to use pieces of cloth! And the women had to wash their own cloths coz they cannot afford to waste like that!


Can you imagine?? So yeah I guess we shouldn't complain about the circa 1990s thick pads.

There can now be so much freedom when it comes to that time of the month. BE ABSOLUTELY YOU!

As long as you use a good brand you can trust (Kotex for me!), you can still go about dancing, jogging etc. No problem. Especially with the super long kind that will never, ever leak. (Unless you are extremely filthy and don't change for 3 days la)

And of course, the best thing about having your period is knowing you are not pregnant. Eh... If you are not ready la. Which I am not, so it's always good for me. If you want to get pregnant and you are not.. Well erm... good for your husband/bf I guess!! Ok... awkward... Moving on!

I was at Watsons the other day and I saw this on the shelf:

Everything is so prettified nowadays!

The flora box contains:

1) Kotex Soft & Smooth Ultrathin 23cm 20 pcs
2) Kotex Soft & Smooth Overnight Ultrathin 28cm 10pc

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin pads - 28 cm

Now in a minute 5 pc pack!

This chic little package is really convenient as it is super tiny and can fit into any small bag! It only has 5 pads inside. It's awesome for travelling.

After using up the pads, you can use it...

To put your own stuff!

I imagine if you buy a lot of these and keep the boxes you can build a mini-cupboard with them. Haha!

Can also cam-whore with it!!

Hahaha... So boh liao.

So anyway, advertorials always end with a bit of goodies for the readers.

This one is a DAILY lucky draw!

Everyday there is a winner, and you can be a winner more than once!

To enter, easy - just call 1800-6222-888!

With every purchase of $5 of Kotex Ultrathin products, you can stand to win $100 everyday! This starts from 1st July to the 15th of August - 46 long days.

If you still didn't win, fret not! Your entry will then be snowballed for the grand draw of $1,000! Sheesh, I don't mind getting that man. I'd totally get loads of Juicy stuff...! *salivating at the thought*


Get Kotex now! As my grandmama always says, don't wait until want to shit then go build the toilet bowl. *nods wisely in agreement*

p/s: Eh hello?? Reason why there are other bloggers blogging about this too is coz it's the advertiser's initiative? Nobody's copying anyone else as the drafts were all sent in before any publishing was done. OH GOD! People can be so stupid.