Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Lateral Canthoplasty, blepharoplasty and fillers :D

Those of you following my tweets already know I did something really drastic yesterday. I did plastic surgery!!

And not just namby pamby nonsense - two eye surgeries at once!!

That's Lateral Canthoplasty... Meaning cutting the outer corner of eyes, and Blepharoplasty... Meaning cutting double eyelids (I already have them, just did them higher).

Went to Malaysia to do it coz my friend (let's call her A) also did it and the results are nice!!

Plus the each procedure is only freaking 1.8k RINGGIT. Meaning altogether I spent like 1.6k SGD only!! WTF so cheap. Not sharing where I did it so don't ask. Actually I also don't know where it is coz I just followed A to the clinic.

The doctor is from China and he does like a LOT of surgeries a day lah. Everything there is so casual. They had a consultation with me for like 5 mins (speak Chinese only), during which the doctor was like touching my eyes to picture how it would look like after different procedures.

Then they suggested Epicanthoplasty. Meaning cutting the INNER corner of the eyes but that one has a lot of downtime plus is more invasive coz of the tear ducts.

Although Epi is the surgery that really widens your eyes. Lateral only lengthens fml. However my issue with my eyes is that they are too narrow/short. So lateral it was!

See this girl's Epi PLUS Laternal PLUS double eyelid surgery. Remind you of someone's eyes? HEHE

It all happened so fast. Unlike my nose job with Dr Martin Huang which involved 2 consultations before the surgery and shitloads of aftercare visits (I think like 20), bandages, medicine and loads of prep work etc, this clinic was like MEH... ARE YOU READY NOT LET'S DO IT HURRY UP.

It felt so casual I felt like I was only doing a Brazilian wax lor.

So I went upstairs to surgical room and laid down on the bed.

Face cleaned with antiseptic and covered with some cloth.

Doctor injected LA into my eyelids, 3 shots. Not painful. Then begin sewing double eyelids with no hesitation. (they pull a string thru so it is actually reversible)

BAM! 10 mins and it's done.

Injected LA under my eyes. FUCKING PAINFUL. I have a high tolerance of pain and I actually YELLED. It was soooo bad!!

Proceeded to do the lateral surgery, no idea how it's done but it doesn't seem that hard. Finished an eye in 5 mins. Did the same thing with the other.

He asked me to open my eyes and look at him. I did. He said OK, everything done. LEFT THE ROOM!!

Nurse cleaned my face up (2 mins) and I went down the stairs (no assistance) to my friends who were waiting below for me.

Went to the toilet where I saw the "after" for the first time. Looks very swollen and horrid but I've been warned that that's the case.

AND I WENT SHOPPING AFTER THIS. With shades lah. Eyes were slightly uncomfortable and moving eyeballs side to side is painful!! 2 tea eggs, one Paul Smith shirt (outlet mall) and 1 cup corn later, went back to Singapore.

Instead of sleeping I actually went to finish my Essential ad below!! I must be ding dong.

Anyway Mike didn't want me to do either surgery but I told him I *might* be doing the lateral and he very begrudgingly agreed. He said he loves my eyes as they were *touched*

However when I went to the clinic I thought I might as well do the double eyelids too at the same time lah!! Can just recover from both together... And I thought I could kinda smoke him through the double eyelid surgery by just not mentioning it.

Erm but he saw through it at once and got quite pissed off with me. :(


Enough words here are the photos:

No make up or photoshop on the eyes. They are still very very swollen now with red sores on the eyeballs but that's normal.

I know it looks freaky but this is only day 2!! Will get better one :D

Although I must say I already love the surgery!!! The difference is mad drastic!!

And this is the before. If you say got no difference and that my eyes were already beautiful you must be blind.

Anyway I had to search damn long for a photo of me with no make up knn.

Here's another Before shot. Look at the amount of white that's visible at the eye ends and compare to the After shot!

And FML last time I'm always very conscious about my small short eyes that's why I always wear glasses when I'm out without make up. NOW DON'T NEED ANYMORE!!

Eyelids - the bruises will go away

And my freaky eyeballs. They are not bleeding, just traumatized. The wounds leak a little plasma + blood though.

Also you can see the stitches.

Since we are at the topic of plastic surgery, last month I visited Dr Georgia Lee again for fillers for my laugh lines!!

She is FANTASTIC once again and did fillers for me on lips (my third time), nose (first time) and laugh lines (first time).

I saw Christopher Lee there when I went!! She is like really popular with all the stars can!! Feel so privileged coz she is SO talented and has an awesome sense of aesthetics. :D

This one MUST share: 64620083 - TLC clinic at Holland Village.

No she is not paying me!!

I've always felt the tip of my nose was a little flat so here it is after fillers:

Awesome or what!! It's like a nose job which is non invasive! Also note lips are a lot more perky :D

And this is the After of my lips!! Loves it. Will never live without fillers on lips anymore.

Ok fine so many things done at once sounds like I'm mad addicted to plastic surgery but I'm not lah!!

Fillers are totally temporary and does not involve any cutting.

And I'm probably not going to do any more "real" plastic surgery after this man. I'm fine with everything else on my body. Not that I wasn't fine with my eyes lah but I was just being kinda reckless coz I was so simple and fuss-free getting it done!!

The recovery of my eyes is a BITCH!! Nose job was so much easier.

I'd probably get shitloads of nasty comments for this post but I quote Dumbledore: The truth is generally preferable to lies. I'm not going to pretend I never did my eyes; I can never be comfortable with that.

Anyway it's my face lah you can call me a plastic bitch all you want (it doesn't affect coz it's true), I happy can already.

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Transform your hair - like magic!

Note: Plastic surgery post after this one coz adverts have to be on top for 48 hours and I forgot!!


(Super long entry with shitloads of very pretty girls' photos)

So happy!!

Essential is launching new products!! And this time, it is LEAVE-ON products for damaged hair...

Essential Hair Essence!!! Awesome!! I'm probably the biggest fan of hair serum there is. :D

There we have it: In pink... *drumroll*

Anti-frizz Serum

High purity Honey Oil
Ultra Shine Essence
Wild Rose Essence

For all day smoothness and bounce!! Hair is shiny,
smooth and unfrizzy all day long!

And in orange:

Nourishing Care Lotion

High Purity Honey Oil
Ultra shine essence
Sunflower oil essence

For all day softness and manageability! Hair gets extra
nourishment and repair!

To celebrate awesome hair, Essential organised a Pretty Me hen's night party for me!!! I am technically married already lah but I haven't had my traditional Chinese wedding yet mah!

It will be a night where we get unapologetically superficial and vain and just go all the way out to have girly fun!

Manicures, makeovers, luxurious suites, photoshoots, butlers, you name it.

And so the night arrived.

When I first walked into the Klapsons (boutique hotel) suite, my jaw just DROPPED.

The amount of effort Essential put in for this was just SPECTACULAR. Seriously super touched!!

On the doorknob

Li Ching from Essential and Huiwen getting their sparkly.

The room decorated by professionals in EXTENSIVE fairy Essential stickers/murals...

Yummy food served by our own waiters/butlers... And pink champagne!

Shamelessly pink stuff strewn everywhere. The little pot on the right even had chupa chups and other candy!


Pink and white angel wings everywhere!

The fluffy beds

MAKE UP COUNTER!!! Kanebo supplied us with their new range of Kate make up to use, and everything there is not even out in the market yet!

In the pic left to right: My friends Huiwen, Elaine and Kaykay

Sink area... Did you see they even shattered gold stars?! So Rachel berry!

Insanely gorgeous bathtub with all the Essential products floating serenely inside.

It gets better - the bathtub flashes rainbow colours!!!!!!!!! *faints again*

Huiwen (left) and Kiki getting a drink while you can kinda see Elaine and Elise at the back camwhoring with my ring light.

Kiki and Rykiel doing up their hair

And manicures for all the girls


Elaine, Elise and Kiki posing

Everyone is super happy with my "neoprint machine" coz you can see yourself in the swivel screen of my hugeass DSLR and use the remote to snap fucking chio shots!


Elaine and I

Elaine and Elise

(from left) Me, Kiki, Rykiel and Kaykay!! They are all wearing their own cutesy headgear btw mad love for putting in so much effort!!

And btw if you are wondering why their hair all so chio, Kaykay Rykiel and Kiki were already using Essential products (not the essence lah coz essence haven't launch) since like long ago!! And they didn't find out from my advert lor (traitors never read my blog) but like from word of mouth. They never shared with me I could have had chio hair from even longer ago wtf.

I like this blurry shot coz Rykiel is photobombing me at the back!!

LOL accidental shot


Even Sharon and Li Ching from Essential went to join in the fun!

Rykiel + Kiki, who is red-faced coz she drank the champagne LOL

Elaine + me + Elise

With Huiwen!! She missing in first few pics coz she took a zillion years to tong her hair

Minnie new addition

Tadah!! Thanks for awesome hair!! (it is still in the box coz Essential brought like seriously 30 bottles for us to use that day)

Think Huiwen's wings are like in the wrong place

After camwhoring so much we decided to get serious and do our hair in...


If you have never heard of that it's coz I just came up with it.

Super duper easy one!!

It involves:

1) GOOD HAIR - which you can achieve by using the right products *ahem ie Essential*


I bought one for each of us. Very cheap lah $12.90 each at Far East's Chamelon!


Also bought in Chamelon, $3.90 for like 4 pieces.

Bumpits are awesome coz you put it below the top layer of hair and you get a bouffant! Or a hair pouf as some of you might know. So that your hair becomes super dramatic!

But if you don't know how to use a bumpit or don't know how to get one, doesn't matter can just use a butterfly clip at the back of your half up-do to get the same bump. Behind cannot see in photos anyway!

And remember to use Essential Hair Essence so that hair doesn't get frizzy and has an extra super shine!

And so we start!!!

Doing Elaine's bumpit + tiara for her

And of course, we put loads of serum + lotion to make our hair extra smooth and shiny!!

Gotta say I love the Essence especially the serum!!

The effect of shiny-ness is immediate and I realised that until the next day my hair is STILL tame and sleek.

We were using the products both before and after the styling - I'd suggest putting lotion after drying your hair after a wash, and serum can be anytime, before or after styling. Hair shines all the way to the ends. :D

And they smell so nice too!

LOL Kiki's tiara dropped that's why we are all looking at her.

With Huiwen

Huiwen likes the lotion because her "hair is like super thick and the lotion makes (her) hair sleeker and easier to manage. Plus it's not oily!!"

And Elaine + Elise

And Kiki Rykiel and Kaykay!

On the bed!

Just me!!

Together!! Our hair is chioness!


Loving our hair? That's coz the serum makes our hair immediately smoother and unfrizzy, while the lotion makes hair feel softer and easier to comb through!!

Just one application will last ALL FREAKING DAY which is way longer-lasting than other brands of serum. It is totally light weight too so all the goodness is absorbed into hair and it does not feel sticky or icky after application. :D

Of course, the last 15 cm of hair has to be healthy too otherwise it will still look dry and unkempt. So if you have damaged hair, remember to try out Essential's shampoo and treatment coz it is the only product in the market that takes extra special care of the last 15 cm!


Want to get super sleek hair and win prizes??

All you have to do is send in a photo of yourself (or with friends also can) recreating my Bouffant Tiara Style after you used Essential's new Hair essence!! You can pose with either product, but remember to show your hair ends!

Top 3 chosen winners get a $100 Topshop voucher and $70 Essential hamper!

And the Bouffant Tiara Style is so pretty I'm hoping it will go viral!! If more than 50 of you send in photos I'd post up a college of everyone on my blog.


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Thanks Essential for the lovely girls night out and great memories!!