Jumat, 12 November 2010

The Pill

Ok this is not an advertorial. I just wanna blog about the best thing I discovered a few years ago: Yasmin - which is a birth control pill!

I realised that very few Singaporean girls use BCPs. The men are positively ignorant about them. I tweeted about Yasmin and some dude replied that I must be a real slut coz I need to use BCPs. And this was when I was married already. -_- Retard.

The birth control pill, as the name states, is not a pill you take because you wanna fuck around (??? where do people draw such conclusions??). You take it because you are not ready for a kid.

Oh god please no

I don't want a kid yet!! None of my girlfriends have kids so I will wait for them so my kid can have friends lol.

Back to Yasmin.

I've taken two BCPs before - one of them is Diane35. Took it in 2005 when I first when to USA to meet Mike.

It made my boobs ginormous (I didn't photoshop the boobs!) but it also made me damn fat.

I don't care less about big boobs but I SO do not need the extra weight!!

At that point I thought all BCPs are the same (or that there's only one brand) so I didn't know the cause of my extra weight was Diane35 fml. Luckily enough my supply of it stopped and I couldn't be bothered to continue it.

After about a year later I decided to go on the pill again and this time I asked my doctor which pill is the best and he recommended Yasmin. He said it's the most expensive but also has the least side effects so I said ok lor... Bought a 6 month supply - and I never looked back!!

Why Yasmin is the best shitz ever:

1) No more worrying about being pregnant when you are not ready.

Period late for a week and you are sitting on the toilet bowl peeing on a stick, thinking how your parents will MURDER you if it comes out a two lines? How your bf will probably react negatively? How you don't know who the fuck the father is??

Not gonna happen ever again when you are on the pill. However, the pill does NOT prevent STDs hor.

Also, IMPORTANT: If you DO want to get pregnant, you have to stop taking Yasmin for 6 months coz it MIGHT cause birth defeats.

2) No weight gain.

Not only that, I think I actually LOST weight. I don't know if that's credited to Yasmin though.

My boobs didn't get bigger either I think. I don't remember how they looked like before Yasmin though.

3) No out of the ordinary mood swings. 

I'm happy as a lark most of the time!!

In fact, I'm strangely positive. I know I complain a lot on twitter and on my blog but that's coz I always need to rant out frustrations. But most of the time I'm very pleased with how fantastic my life is. Just this morning I was thinking how lucky I am!!

Who gets almost everything they wish for?????

Shit maybe they put cocaine in Yasmin.


Whenever I see girls discussing how to get rid of acne/zit problems I always just shake my head and think the solution is so easy. Get on Yasmin bitch, and quit whining!!

If only I took Yasmin when I was 16 and had acne like this FML... Fuck man I even had zits IN my nose and IN my ears I swear.

It's not about what you apply on your skin - it's about HORMONES!! Creams? Bah! Zits are all about hormones!!

My acne cleared up at age 17 but still I had the occasional (by occasional I mean every 3 days) pimple on my face (the huge kind with pus) and had zits on my back. It's super gross I tell you. Back acne. Bacne. Very unsexy and terrible with low back clothes.

It took me a while to notice this but after I started on Yasmin, I can't even remember the last time I had a pimple. My skin is THAT awesome. OK I just went to the mirror to confirm this and it's true.

Once you don't have zits then you can start on skincare to make your skin dewy and glowing etc! :D

The amount of self confidence you gain from having acne-free skin is just amazing! No more self consciousness about the boy you like staring at the giant zit in between your eyebrows during the first date. Is it pulsating? Is it oozing pus? What if it bursts during sex omg.

No more!!!

However, Rozz who also takes Yasmin and swears by it, says that she stopped for a bit and her skin woes came back and also she gained weight like mad. I don't know if that's normal but I'm praying that it won't happen to me.

5) Periods...

Are short and painless. I no longer need to think about when I'd get my period coz it comes when the pill pack is finished.

No more menstrual cramps. No idea if it's coz of the pill or just me being older now.

Periods last a very short time and the flow is really light too!!

6) Condoms...

Are no longer part of my life. I don't like them. It's like Oooh passion passion passion and opening drawer, tearing out a pack etc - so anticlimatic. And it's embarrassing to buy and annoying when it runs out.

Also when men are putting on a rubber sock all sorts of thoughts shoot through our insecure female brains...

"Is he suspecting me of having STDS?"

"Does HE have an STD??"

"Is he not wanting to commit to a relationship? Is having a baby with me THAT bad a thing?"

"Why does he have a condom so conveniently? Does he fuck around?"

"Why did he bring a condom out does he think I'm a slut and will put out. OMG AM I a slut for putting out?" etc

OK what do you mean you don't get such thoughts?? Can't be only me right?? HAHAHHAA

Not that these points matter to me anymore since I'm in a stable relationship but I'm just saying condoms are meh!!



You HAVE to take one pill everyday at around the same time. I put the pack next to my toothbrush so I take one before sleep every night. But sometimes I forget to take the pills 2 days in a row and I worry about it ruining my ovaries forever.

Yeah end of the cons list. Except that if I ever feel like I wanna get pregnant I need to wait 6 months. But that's good right? 6 months to think it through before making such a big decision.

Disclaimer time!!

Of course, everybody's body differs so while Yasmin is awesome for me, it might not be suitable for you. I've read reviews that Yasmin makes them lose hair/have more acne (???)/gain weight/mood swings/less sex drive etc.

Had two friends tell me that Yasmin makes them nauseous. Not coz it's disgusting but literally. I also feel nauseous easily but I've always been that way so I don't think Yasmin made it worse.

But I still think it doesn't hurt to give it a try!! See if you like it after two months of usage, if not can stop anytime.

So yeah. In conclusion Yasmin is muthafucking awesome max lah!!! So awesome I must share it with the world!!

When I first took it I only wanted to not get pregnant but who knew it has such awesome side effects???

And then there is the blah blah risks that come with it ie stroke or cancer or whatever. Go do those research yourself or consult your doctor if you are concerned. So far nothing's happened to me.

I know Yasmin got sued recently for some health reasons. Since this is not an advertorial, feel free to trash Yasmin in the comments if you want. Also, if you are on BCPs, please do share with other girls which one you think is the best!!

p/s: Yasmin is available with most sg doctors but you HAVE to get a consultation before buying. Which is probably for the best. Thailand also sells Yasmin at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription - and it's only $16 there or something!! It's about $26 in Singapore.

p/p/s: Obviously Yasmin is only for females. Some guy saw my tweet on how Yasmin is the best pimple medicine and said he wanted to try. His friends told him it's a birth control pill and he was severely embarrassed and scolded me wtf.

UPDATE: OK a lot of people are telling me Yasmin is like causing all these horrid problems like kidney failure etc so I am damn scared now and am considering stopping wtf. What a pointless blog entry.

UPDATE 2: OK more people have told me not to listen to "Dr Internet" and that if Yasmin suits me then I shouldn't go off it. Blood clotting etc could be caused by external factors such as smoking/excessive drinking etc. Guess I won't then!!

Kamis, 11 November 2010

Tokyo Part 2

Day 2 of my Tokyo trip!!!

Ming said when going to Tokyo one MUST visit Disneyland so there we went!!

Cheesie and I. I can has a Mickey on my cheek!! 
Drew it with Cheesie's eyeliner MUAHAHAHA

Us girls taking the familiar walk down to Harajuku station

Photobombed by Elaine

Seen in all Japanese subway trains... Once you are near or on the "courtesy seats" (priority seats), you are supposed to turn off your freaking cellphone in case, god forbid, you disturb the peace of the elderly, disabled, or pregnant with your phone's beeping noises/intense radiation.

Tourists taking up the courtesy seats and obstinately not turning off cellphones? Tsk tsk.

Look how disappointed the Japanese lady is at us MUAHAHAHA

Anyway I'm telling you I was there for 6 days and I never once saw Japanese locals TALK TO EACH OTHER ON THE TRAIN.

Most people travel alone but those who are not, realise that public transport is annoying as it is and so they try to make it a pleasant ride for other passengers. SO THEY DON'T TALK. If I have a friend next to me and you make me not talk to her from Orchard to Bugis I think I'd die. Especially if you bait me by making someone slip a nipple or something. I HAVE to point that out to my friend!!

Anyway yes Cheesie and I are wearing matching Shibuya boots!! MAD LOVE THESE BOOTS SO COMFY AND PRETTY BEST BUY EVER

Reached Disneyland's station! No idea what it's called.

Japanese family... So stylish!! (Please remember that this is 40degree C)

Here's Cheesie and I with some grumpy pig. Ironically, it was the most ungrumpy mascot around coz it agreed to pose with us.

I don't know what the deal is with Tokyo Disneyland, but NONE of the mascots will agree to entertain adults!!!!!!!!!!! (well except this pig who did it very begrudgingly)

I don't know about the main ones like Mickey where they stand in a gazebo and people queue to snap pictures with them, but the smaller characters walking around ONLY TALK TO KIDS.

They pose with children, gesture at them dramatically etc... But when an adult walks towards when with a camera and a photo request, they literally just turn their back on you and walk away!!

I thought I was imagining this but ALL the mascots behaved the same way. EXCUSE ME I PAID MORE THAN THE CB KID TO GET IN HERE AND I WANT A FUCKING PHOTO AND DONT U WALK AWAY FROM ME SIRE!

But there, Eeyore is gone. Fucker.

Someone explain this to me?? Just because I have wrinkles I don't deserve a photo???

Halloween themed Disney, which is the worst shit theme imho. Orange and black - meh! Christmas is the prettiest!! Just my luck to enter Disneylands twice this year during Halloween!

Oh btw most of the people in Disneyland are locals!!

I asked Cheesie why the fuck would they go to Disneyland in this weather (and so many of them!!) and she said Japanese are siao over Disney culture and they'd visit Disneyland many times a year just to get the limited edition toys etc.

But their houses so small where they put all their stuff????

However, I love how the Japanese are always crazy enthusiastic about everything. So full of zeal!!

Obligatory touristy shots next to the Up characters. Fantastic movie.

Japanese little girl letting me snap a photo of her. So kawaii!!

I'm gonna expound on how the Japanese are crazy. I mean look at this cute little girl. It is an oven in Disneyland - and there she is holding a teddy bear.

For those of you who don't know, this is not just ANY teddy bear. It's a Shellie May bear.

Duffy and Shellie May

Shellie May is Duffy's (the Disney Bear) girlfriend and the story goes that Mickey was going on some sailor trip out to sea and Minnie didn't want him to sleep with other mouse sluts or something so she sewed him a teddy bear to remember her by. Nudie photo would have worked better hahaha I just desecrated the story. HERE is the real, rather nicer story if you wanna see it.

So amazingly enough, even though imho Duffy's not that cute a character, it EXPLODED into crazy popularity in Japan. And the fact that you can only get it in 3 places in the world, one of them being DisneySea Tokyo, made it even more popular!

And I estimate EVERYBODY who has been to DisneySea has bought at least one Duffy/Shellie-May. It's ridiculous. I didn't get to go to DisneySea coz I chose to accompany Mike to some sciency museum on the last day, but the rest of the gang went and they reported that EVERYBODY there was holding a duffy bear - be it in the form of a small keychain, or a giant one bigger than the child holding it. Apparently a woman had her whole body covered in Duffys.

In DisneyLand, where Duffy's not available for sale, many of the Japanese were carrying them too, showing off!! Meh. So hot still wanna hug teddy bear wtf fur + sweat is gross.

(I made them buy me a Shellie May. She is the most unloved of all my stuffed toys on the couch. I can't do it, she looks like a monkey)(Also if you noticed Cheesie has 2 duffy keychains on her bag. She bought them last time she went to DisneySea or something, and brought home to Malaysia, then brought them to Tokyo to SHOW OFF.)(Also also there is a random tourist I snapped holding Duffy... Can you spot it?)

Some blinged castle I think I can do better!!

Glass Cinderella wearing glass shoes

Ducklings... I was so envious of them being able to jump into the cooling water anytime.

Love this photo Cheesie took for me!

Ok you are supposed to look through some glass to see what it is but from front view already quite obvious.

Magical land where flowers are ALWAYS in bloom

Stitch is mega cute

I bought loads of these yellow bunny memorabilla coz it's the stuffed toy Mike got me during our first (or maybe second) Valentine's day!! She's actually called Miss Bunny and is Thumper's girlfriend!

Best photo of the trip, Ming posing with the giant ribbon cushion I bought for my mom lol

And we sit down to wear a performance

Thumbs up for princes in boots and cloaked in chivalry.

After the performance Cheesie and I decided to call it a day at Disneyland coz it was really so hot we were not enjoying it at all (we are good actresses when it comes to camera posing though).

Ok this may look like a photo of me camwhoring with a hilarious Pooh Bear... But it's actually him walking away from me rapidly as I approached. However I was prepared for this outrageous treatment so I quickly snapped a shot.

Dumbo's super cute!!

End of Disneyland pics... Next day, we had lunch at a random ramen place and it was HEAVENLY:

Comes with mentaiko, two types of pork, one silky smoked egg 
and noodles cooked PERFECTLY al dente.

The 3 layer pork was the yummiest shitz ever (melts in your mouth) and the soup omfg..... SO thick and creamy and delicious and just orgasmic!!

Seriously best fucking ramen I've ever had. If you say Tampopo/Santouka (never tried Ippudo) is an 8/10, this is a 14/10. So badass. I'd battle a moose for another bowl NOW.

The Japanese are so amazing I fucking love them *breaks down and cries

Old men playing Pachinko... Some game which involves little metal balls?? I wanted to try but pachinko parlours always allow indoor smoking, so no.

Last picture of the feast we bought 'home' from Takashimaya's (in tokyo, please!) basement. Bloody expensive and like quite meh leh... Which is weird coz when Ming and I were sampling shit they all tasted SO GOOD!!!

But the photo is cute coz I see mini sushi in Maylene's camera screen. LOL

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Get S and V now!


Hahaha!! My title is very cryptic right?? Can you guess what products I'm gonna be introducing today??


Product 1 is for...

And product no 2 is for a  S-line body!!

In case you are confused what these two terms means, it got popular in Korean and it simply means a sharp jawline (V) and a curvy hourglass body (S)!

I'm always happy to receive new products to try out but I felt like these two products were totally meant for me or something!! I don't think I'm fat but if I could choose to lose weight on only two areas, they would be JAWLINE and BELLY.

I'd kill for a sharper jawline! And don't say my jawline is sharp ok it is not! I just photoshop like mad that's all.

And introducing...

LUS Extra V-line Lift Up!!

The box is really interesting and contains two sections...

Inside: Seven masks in packets and what appears to be a funny piece of cloth.

It is super interesting to use!

First tear open a mask packet... Inside are sodden paper masks. Sodden with awesomeness

And slap the mask on your chin/neck as such. And obviously such a mask won't hold in place, which is what the piece of cloth is for!!

It is designed specially to not only hold the mask in place, but to give your unappealing chin/neck fats a tight workout!!

The black strap even has a hole for your chin! :D

Honestly the pink cloth strap is very tight and the mask turns warm after a while, so I REALLY felt like it was burning all my fats away and they had nowhere to run to, haha.

I think if you live alone you can just wear this strap all the freaking time... Confirm you get the firmest jawline in the world coz the skin CAN'T SAG!! No space for it to sag!!

Optimally you should leave this on for 40 minutes so while waiting it's time to get a better body!

LUS S-line Body Glove

Box contains 5 glove packets

Just like the masks, the gloves are also sodden with mysterious goodness!!

The gloves have two sides. One side is dotted and the other side is not. The dotted side is for exforliating, getting ride of dead skin cells!

After massaging your targetted area with the dotted side, simply flip to the smooth side (thus two thumb holes). This combats your fats!!!

After a while this really heats up your skin too! Even after you stop massaging you can feel the cream heating up your fats!!


So I used this a week ago for a few days to see if there were any results!! Ready?

LUS Extra V-line Lift Up

To see how much fats I lost on my chin simply put your mouse over the image and hold for a bit!!

I drew a black line to show you all where my BEFORE jawline was at. REALLY GOT DIFFERENCE LEH!!

And it's so much!!

I can haz a V-line face!!

After the burning of fats, you can also try using the Age-Lock cold face-shaper bra to cool down your skin and for intensive firming and lifting!! I wrote an advert for that HERE.

And now for LUS S-Line Body Glove

I used it on my tummy and thighs

FML I felt really fat. I hit 26, really?

And after 2 uses:

I LOST 1.5 INCHES!!! I COULD DANCE!! And I swear I didn't pull the measuring tape tighter or anything ok!

Inner thigh

Lost almost an inch too!! :D :D :D

To be honest I didn't measure my chin, belly or thighs after further uses so I don't know if they ballooned back to their normal states but at least I know LUS works, so it's perfect for a special photoshoot or function!!

Thinking of getting these awesomesauce products already? I'd give you another reason!!

The LUS Extra V-line Lift Up Challenge 2010!!

Think you will lose more chin fats than anyone else? Real easy:

1) Get your Lus V-line Extra Lift Up!

2) Take 3 pictures. One with the mask on, one before and one after!

3) Blog it, tweet it, or facebook it!

4) Email your consolidated picture to enquiry@secretive.sg by the 21st of Nov, 2010.

I think my picture is lousy coz I only took side view before and after shots. I think using front view will be better!

You could win a $520 Prada wristlet! :D

These 2 products are available at all SASA cosmetic stores and on www.secretive.sg. It will also be available at BHG Departmental stores and ALT The Heeren from 12th November onwards!

I recommend you guys to buy and try!!

For a V-line face

And an S-line body!!

(Sorry it's very hard to self-shoot a full body shot with my ring light - and yes I'm wearing shorts, white ones.)

Just remember not to...

- Accidentally smear any of these products on boobs or whatever you don't wish to become smaller
- Take off contacts after use without washing hands thoroughly!!