Jumat, 06 November 2009

Off to scuba dive!

Going off on a short trip this weekend to Dayang island for diving!!

I'd be back on sunday but meanwhile, photo of the moment and Twitter won't be updated as I don't want to use data roaming! (Can become crazy expensive!!)

Ok just thought I'd let you guys know. Byeeee!


Kamis, 05 November 2009

Delicious Like Mee!


Everyone knows I'm a HUGE fan of instant mee.

Besides the fact that I mostly take my dinners at about 3am when food choices are sparse, instant mee can also be really delicious!!

And not to mention easy to prepare.

So imagine how happy I was when Nong Shim (and that's an instant mee brand in case you live in a box) sponsored me 2 huge packs of their new flavours to try!!


Here I am, pretending to be a connoisseur of noodles with a crudely drawn on chef hat.

And my noodles - in Kimchi and Curry Ramen! Both sound promising!

Ok lah I'd be honest here. Actually I didn't think the kimchi sounded promising, because I don't like kimchi!

However, there is something different about THIS packet:

It has freaking CHEESE in it!!

I've never tried Nong Shim noodles prior to this, so before agreeing to do this advertorial, I asked Shuyin if their noodles were nice. She answered that they were, and the kimchi flavour tasted really good if cheese were to be added to it.

So I guess the company has realised this and made new flavours with cheese already added inside for everyone's convenience!

In fact, I did some research and found out that the Koreans all put cheese in their kimchi noodles! It's like a norm there!

Nong Shim's kimchi noodle has been a major hit in Singapore since its launch and still is - but this new variant is added with cheese for a twist!

BOTH variants can be found in all major supermarkets.

And another friend, Sheng Rong, abso-fucking-lutely LOVES Nong Shim. He said it's his FAVOURITE instant mee. But then again he also likes sea urchin and stuff like that, so I didn't really trust him.

Well, it's time to try them out!

Here's my "lunch" (8pm)... The packets are HUGE! The tiny packet is your normal instant mee's size.

The instructions are very precise - down to the SECOND!! It tells you to cook for 4mins 30seconds.

However, for a master chef such as myself, I'm gonna cook it according to my superior gut feel.

Here's my ingredients for the Curry Ramen... Not including the can opener and tomato timer at the background - We have...

- Coconut Milk
- An egg

It is of course not necessary to add the extra ingredients in but imho, curry ramen always tastes better with an egg in it!

The coconut milk of course makes it much more fragrant.

Inside the packs...

Bringing my soup to a boil...

Egg added...


Here's my work of art - how does it look??

I don't care what you say, it looks awesome!

QQ bouncy noodles... Yums!

Now for the taste test:


It's damn nice lah!!

You will notice that my noodles are rather dry. That's coz I love the soup thicker and more tasty - plus (and these are words of wisdom), you can always add plain water to the soup if it's too thick, but if it's too diluted you can't do anything about it!

Anyway, the curry is really different from all the other curry flavoured noodles!

It is thicker... more "sandy" if u know what I mean, in a good way - more textured. Also not so spicy - kinda like japanese curry!

Loves it!!

Nong shim's noodles, as Sheng Rong has warned me, are a bit difficult to get perfect. And I mean the noodles themselves.

The noodles are slightly thicker and more Q than normal instant mee, so to get it right you have to take them out whenever they are ready - ie after every noodle stopped being hard!

The end result - soft and smooth on the outside, with the core delightfully al dente!! It's carb heaven!

Now for the Cheese Kimchi flavour!

Here's my ingredients for this:

- Veggies - is it called Xiao bai cai??
- Cheese cubes!

Bright red flavouring

After adding the powder to the base, the smell of cheese came out so strongly that I decided to just use one extra cube of cheese instead of two coz it really seems to be enough already!


I felt a little apprehensive eating this (as I didn't like kimchi) but it's scrumptious!!!!!!!!!!!

To my pleasant surprise, it doesn't have the very strong sour smell of kimchi at all! Or maybe it does (I only had kimchi ONCE) but somehow I love it!!

The soup is delightfully savoury and flavourful... Spicy, with the melty aftertaste of cheese. And yes, the cheese can DEFINITELY be tasted!! Very creamy too!

It is a very unique flavour. No other noodles I've ever tried tastes even vaguely similar!!

Hiyah don't know how to describe lah. It's just nice and yummy! Not very expensive anyway so just go try it out yourself!!

Here's Mike and I eating our noodles while watching TV!!!!

He looks so blissful everytime I cook, lol

And finished right to the last bite!!

You hungry yet?

Get your own Nong Shim at all major supermarkets! :D

More photos of me than you can ever bargain for

So here are the pictures for the Photoshop Contest!!!!!!

For those of you slow fuckers who have JUST started reading my blog and have no idea what I'm talking about, some time ago I did a popular blog entry where I photoshopped my ugliest old photos!!

CLICK HERE to read it.

So anyway, I chose the ugliest pic...

This one...

And asked my readers to send me their photoshopped creations too, just to see if they can make such an ugly photo look pretty!!!

And here is what I did:

After photoshop!

So... I thought like 5 or 6 people would submit their creations, but by the next day I was swamped with over a 100 entries!!!!!!!

After MUCH procrastination (sorry lah, at least I did post this in the end), here are the submissions!!!

There are too many photos to credit everyone, and anyway, most of you sent me, frankly speaking, hideous work anyway, so don't credit you all also better lah!! HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!

Sorry lah but some of the work is really very scary lor!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!! For those who sent in the edited pictures, please don't get upset if I say it's bad k!! It's not personal!! I STILL LOVE YA ALL!!!

I know all of you have good intentions when sending me your artwork, but one thing REALLY pisses me off.

Some of you sent me photos where you edited MY 'AFTER' PHOTO.

May I ask what the fuck is your point? This gets me really fucking angry because what I edited is already nice, so why would you go mess around with it??? It's like spitting on my work! I DO NOT like people messing with MY art, ok?

Alright enough complaining...

Ok let's start:

(Pictures edited by two individuals are put side by side so that the entry won't be too long. "L" is my comments for the Left pic, "R" is the comments for the Right pic.)

L: I don't like what you did to my forehead!

R: This scares me.

L: After getting over how this looks like a ghost,
I've decided I quite like it.
I look like a fat geisha who got murdered
and came back to haunt Hatsomomo.

R: Good job!

R: Quite like it if not for mysterious dark patch at the eyes...

L: Doesn't vaguely look like me anymore
but I concede it's better than the original.

R: Hideous

L: How come you made me look like a tranny?!

R: I declare this second best of the lot...
Done by Cherin... Nice!!
She even used my made-up eyes from another picture!!!!

L: Nice hair, but face, nah...

L: Look like drown victim...

R: Nice try, no need to photoshop eyes!!! LOL

R: Excuse me the cheeks look like got cheek implants inflammation lor...
And a weeeeeeee bit too much eyeliner I think. LOL

R: I like the attitude.

L: I think I won't buy pink contacts then...

R: Eyes, eyebrows are nice, but nose too wide!

L: How come look like Nicolas Cage??

R: I love the glasses!

L: A bit over enthu with the eyeshadow!

R: Doesn't look like me but much better than the original for sure!
Got earrings somemore!

R: Chio clip, face still hideous. So ugly still act cute will get boxed you know?

L: So it is true what they say... Bunny ears can't help you if you look ghastly.

R: Excuse me I consider this to be vandalism on my photo.
It was already ugly but you didn't have to make me look THAT terrible.

These two pics done by same person...
Me + Ayumi, and Me + unknown unfortunate female celeb!!
Even Ayumi's chioness can't save me lor. It's tragic.

L: Ermmm.... WTF??

R: Edited from my "after" photo. Made it even uglier wtf.

R: Now I definitely look like I have some kind of severe skin disease...

R: What race am I supposed to be?

L: That settles it, I'm not gonna cut my hair like that.

R: Green eyeshadow!! Saucy!

R: I like my uniform pink, but fail otherwise.

L: Chio hair! Good effort on matching the eyebrows too.
But I think you choose another face better...

R: Why would you make me look even fatter?!

R: Very sweet to give me a Tiffany necklace, but the face... too crooked!

R: Why is there a "what" there??

R: Awesome tan! LOLLL

R: Cap looks realistic, but face still does not.

R: The hair is a little fake but the feature's proportions are good!
And one of the nicest noses!! Done by Junhao.

R: This looks freakishly like it could be a real person out there...

L: Looks angsty!

R: Creative with the eye make up aren't we?

These two are quite scary...

R: Ok that's it I announce I do not like hair like this!

R: Face lift!

L: Like the colours but the hair is still hideous...

L: Edited from my "After" photo. Idiot.

R: No more wispy black hair!!

And now, I shall announce the winner of the contest!!



Done by Shermin Ong!!! Muthafucking funny or what??????????

I laughed for like 5 whole minutes when I saw this. Definitely creative!

Ok lah that's it hope you all don't get nightmares from the pictures...