Kamis, 19 April 2012
Rabu, 18 April 2012
I am having my FIRST ever flea!
As you guys know I'm moving to my new place soon. It is getting renovated right now and I thought it would be done by the end of March but I underestimated the time needed so I went to book tickets to go to Osaka from the 23rd till the 30th this month!!
And the rental for my current place is up so I have until the 3rd of May to vacant this place. *calms self down*
Anyway long story short I will be MOVING and I am clearing out items I don't wish to keep anymore!!!
Usually whenever I clear out my wardrobes I will put all the not-gross preloved items aside for my friends to pick out. The leftovers I will bring to the Salvation Army. However, this time round I'm not only clearing out clothes but also accessories, shoes, bags, hair stuff, makeup, skincare etc etc... When I tweeted about this many people asked if I could sell them the items for cheap so I decided to organise a flea!!
Just so happens the awesome peeps from Jipaban will also be having their midseason sale so I will be having a Moving Out Sale together with them!!
Here's what I will be selling... You won't want to miss this:
It's still a fantastic camera but I have the GF3 now so I don't need 2 semi pro cameras. If you look carefully in between all the big diamantes there are little pink pearls... All the gems are real swaroski crystals and I estimate the cost of the crystals to be what... $300 at least? I spent 2 days blinging the camera myself.
This camera took a lot of fantastic pictures for my blog and I really, really loved it. Go google the specs yourself. It works perfectly fine and comes with a charger. However, obviously there are a few dings and scratches on it... One diamante is missing as you can see. I won't be replacing it because I'm too busy. You can examine it before buying. The cost of my camera was about $700+ when I bought it.
And I'm selling it for... $300.
I was sponsored the EP1 for an advert and I've been using it sporadically since! (Link for Advert)
It's also a really good camera and it's a DSLR! Please google for the specs yourself. The cost of the camera used to be more than a $1,000 and Olympus generously gave me the leather skin and strap and protective casing... I think these cost a few hundred.
The camera is so pretty and vintage looking!! If you don't like the brown you can peel the skin off, the original colour is white. The camera works fine.
I am trying my best to find the charger. I'm letting this go for the same price - $300. I can't seem to find the charger, so if really can't find it I'm gonna sell it for $250. I'm sure you can buy the charger yourself.
The cameras don't come with boxes or memory cards.
These are all the lens that http://honeycolor.com sponsored me! I am already wearing as many as humanly possible but I don't like to open so many lens coz each pair can last like 6 months!! So I have all these leftovers... Some of them are designs or colours I don't like.
I picked out the ones I super love and the rest are for SALE!!!
I know this amount is extremely cheap but please read:
This is my vanity table. I have A LOT of skincare products, because I get sponsored a lot of them and I personally buy a lot of them too!!
You can see I have a zillion masks too, mostly thanks to the 3 adverts I did for Lovemore. They are super generous and gave me like boxes upon boxes of masks with every advert!!
Shiseido (and ZA) are also super generous... Everytime I work with them they insist on giving me super a lot of goodies... ♥
However, I only have ONE face and even if I put the products on every night I cannot possibly finish using all of them before they expire... So it's time for them to go!!
I've picked out all the products that I haven't opened or used. Just a disclaimer... Even though some of the products are sponsored, just because I am giving them away does not mean I don't like them or that I lied in my adverts about them being good. For example, Bifesta gave me 6 types of makeup removers for different skin types. I kept the best one for my skin... I let my family and friends pick whatever they want. Then the rest I am selling.
Most of the items are brand new. Some I might have opened and tested it before and found it not suitable. If you mind, then don't buy.
I've bundled my masks and are selling them at $2 for 5 masks.
EVERY ITEM FOR SKINCARE IS AT $2 OR $5. Many of them are branded items too!
I know the picture looks very unappealing but honestly I cannot possibly take a photo of the clothes I'm selling. Too many!!
There are about 8 bags full of clothes... I estimate about 400 items for sale from my wardrobe. Some I cannot wear anymore after I lost weight. Some I just find don't match my style anymore. And so many of them are brand new! Some have tags and some don't, because I have a horrible habit of tearing away tags immediately and throwing away boxes (for skincare/makeup)
I don't have clothing sponsors so all of the clothes are bought by myself. Most of them are from F21.
These are the clothes I bought from BKK when I went there. I wanted to start up a online clothing store but in the end I didn't bother to. The dresses here are gorgeous and brand new... (Click HERE to see the green one on video)
And yes all the clothes are for sale at either $2, $5 OR $10!!!
$2 for any 5. Please grab. All preloved, FYI. Same for hair accessories! Didn't take a picture.
Also selling my shoes!!
EVERYTHING at $2 or $5!!
My size is 5/36 but sometimes I buy shoes in bigger sizes. All the shoes in the front are brand new, never worn before! Some of them I wore maybe once or twice. Once again, if you are not comfortable with this, please don't buy.
Also for sale are my makeup!! All brand new items included many many eyelashes, foundations etc. $2/$5 for everything!!
Bags. Used and new... On sale for either $2 or $5.
I might be selling other items too... I haven't finished packing!!
OK so I think a lot of you are very excited... Except for the two cameras, nothing cost more than $10 each!! So how do you go about buying?
It's very simple. Just like any other flea market, you make your way there. First come first served.
- The sale is from 12pm - 6pm.
- Please queue up. There will only be a limited amount of people allowed into the warehouse at any time. One person leaves, next person can enter. So if you want the LX3 and you think it will be popular, then you better queue up early for it.
- Each person can only buy up to 10 items. You pick whatever you want, pay, and you have to leave. You can buy more by rejoining the queue.
- Please bring your own bags, no plastic bags will be given.
- The sale is CASH ONLY.
- I reserve the right to reject sales to you and ask you to leave should you annoy me. I know I sound very hostile but CMON. I've already gotten so many rude comments and questions from people. Everything I am selling is EXTREMELY cheap. I've mentioned that I hate unabashed people, so if you ask me for a discount, ask me to give you freebies, insult my products or even ask me dumb questions, I'm gonna ask you to leave. Like if you say stuff like "Look at this dress it is a bit frayed can I have it for $1?". If you don't want to buy, other people want to. Let's not waste everybody's time.
- I regret to say I'd possibly be really busy that day so I cannot take photos with you guys!! Unless you pay $2 or $5. $2 for a photo of me with a chao bin $5 for a smiling photo. HAHAHA!! Just kidding lah no photos!! Sorry!! Next time, ok?
This is supposed to be a fun, happy event but so many people already have pissed me off wtf.
I need to rant.
I've gotten emails from people asking me to reserve some contacts for them, or mail some to them, or begging me to send overseas. It's so annoying, why are there such self entitled people?!
NO. You want to buy, you make an effort to go there like everyone else! What makes you so special that I have to reserve or mail them to you?!
And then I posted up this photo of Junne and Shuyin who came over to have first pick of the clothes I don't want anymore.
To which some fucker decided to let me know that she thinks that I am treating my friends like beggers.
FUCK YOU. Many of my clothes are in mint condition or brand new and if I can't wear them or don't like them anymore what's wrong with letting my friends pick whatever they want? I'm sorry, but you must not have friends because everytime your friend is nice to you you think she is treating you like a begger.
AND THEN... As if all this is not enough, there are the fuckers who claim that just because a lot of the items I'm selling are sponsored, I am not entitled to sell them but should give them away, free.
PLEASE. I would rather burn all my stuff in a giant fire than to give them to YOU free. (You referring to the rude assholes, not all my blog readers).
Why should I give you anything for free? Honeycolor gave me the lens in exchange for a blog banner, tweets, and fb mentions. If I give them to you, what are you giving me in exchange? You think just because you read my blog I owe you? If you think that way, PLEASE FUCK OFF.
You read my blog, I give you entertainment in exchange for your one additional hit. I owe you NOTHING. If you find this an unworthy deal, please feel free to jump off a cliff and never grace this blog again. URGH!! Buay paiseh people make me so fucking mad!!!!!
I earned everything I am sponsored today with my WORK. I had to blog for my advertisers. You think what, photoshoots just mushroom out of nowhere? Pictures edit themselves? Fuck you if you think I should be giving stuff away free... Especially when I'm selling them at such a low price. $5 for a pair of contacts you cannot afford? I got force you to buy is it? I sell at $5 or $500... It is still NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS because you can make the choice not to buy it.
SHOULD Birkins be $30,000? They probably shouldn't... Maybe you can go to Hermes and tell them that just because they already earned so much from Taitais paying $30,000 a bag, they should give Birkins away free from now on.
Ridiculous! People are so ridiculous. I hope I encounter none of them on Saturday!
Ok rant over. I'd see the rest of you nice people over there that day! :D
Here's a chio photo of me:
And the rental for my current place is up so I have until the 3rd of May to vacant this place. *calms self down*
Anyway long story short I will be MOVING and I am clearing out items I don't wish to keep anymore!!!
Usually whenever I clear out my wardrobes I will put all the not-gross preloved items aside for my friends to pick out. The leftovers I will bring to the Salvation Army. However, this time round I'm not only clearing out clothes but also accessories, shoes, bags, hair stuff, makeup, skincare etc etc... When I tweeted about this many people asked if I could sell them the items for cheap so I decided to organise a flea!!
Just so happens the awesome peeps from Jipaban will also be having their midseason sale so I will be having a Moving Out Sale together with them!!
PLEASE NOTE!! The previous photo had a wrong postal code, I've edited the poster and this is the right address!!
It will be occurring this Saturday from 12pm - 6pm.
Here's what I will be selling... You won't want to miss this:
It breaks my heart but I am letting my LX3 go!!
It's still a fantastic camera but I have the GF3 now so I don't need 2 semi pro cameras. If you look carefully in between all the big diamantes there are little pink pearls... All the gems are real swaroski crystals and I estimate the cost of the crystals to be what... $300 at least? I spent 2 days blinging the camera myself.
This camera took a lot of fantastic pictures for my blog and I really, really loved it. Go google the specs yourself. It works perfectly fine and comes with a charger. However, obviously there are a few dings and scratches on it... One diamante is missing as you can see. I won't be replacing it because I'm too busy. You can examine it before buying. The cost of my camera was about $700+ when I bought it.
And I'm selling it for... $300.
I was sponsored the EP1 for an advert and I've been using it sporadically since! (Link for Advert)
It's also a really good camera and it's a DSLR! Please google for the specs yourself. The cost of the camera used to be more than a $1,000 and Olympus generously gave me the leather skin and strap and protective casing... I think these cost a few hundred.
The camera is so pretty and vintage looking!! If you don't like the brown you can peel the skin off, the original colour is white. The camera works fine.
I am trying my best to find the charger. I'm letting this go for the same price - $300. I can't seem to find the charger, so if really can't find it I'm gonna sell it for $250. I'm sure you can buy the charger yourself.
The cameras don't come with boxes or memory cards.
These are all the lens that http://honeycolor.com sponsored me! I am already wearing as many as humanly possible but I don't like to open so many lens coz each pair can last like 6 months!! So I have all these leftovers... Some of them are designs or colours I don't like.
I picked out the ones I super love and the rest are for SALE!!!
I know this amount is extremely cheap but please read:
- These are geo lens/circle lens. You can visit http://honeycolour.com to look at the designs if you like, but it's not guaranteed I have them.
- All the lens are in zero degrees as I have perfect eyesight. Please do NOT ask me if I sell them with degree - the answer is no.
- I am not an optician so I hold no responsibility if anything happens to your eyes. Please check the expiry date before buying. All the lens are 100% unopened and unused though, and nothing bad has ever happened to my eyes before and I've used these for years.
This is my vanity table. I have A LOT of skincare products, because I get sponsored a lot of them and I personally buy a lot of them too!!
You can see I have a zillion masks too, mostly thanks to the 3 adverts I did for Lovemore. They are super generous and gave me like boxes upon boxes of masks with every advert!!
Shiseido (and ZA) are also super generous... Everytime I work with them they insist on giving me super a lot of goodies... ♥
However, I only have ONE face and even if I put the products on every night I cannot possibly finish using all of them before they expire... So it's time for them to go!!
I filled up an entire black trashbag full of skincare...
I've picked out all the products that I haven't opened or used. Just a disclaimer... Even though some of the products are sponsored, just because I am giving them away does not mean I don't like them or that I lied in my adverts about them being good. For example, Bifesta gave me 6 types of makeup removers for different skin types. I kept the best one for my skin... I let my family and friends pick whatever they want. Then the rest I am selling.
Most of the items are brand new. Some I might have opened and tested it before and found it not suitable. If you mind, then don't buy.
I've bundled my masks and are selling them at $2 for 5 masks.
EVERY ITEM FOR SKINCARE IS AT $2 OR $5. Many of them are branded items too!
I know the picture looks very unappealing but honestly I cannot possibly take a photo of the clothes I'm selling. Too many!!
There are about 8 bags full of clothes... I estimate about 400 items for sale from my wardrobe. Some I cannot wear anymore after I lost weight. Some I just find don't match my style anymore. And so many of them are brand new! Some have tags and some don't, because I have a horrible habit of tearing away tags immediately and throwing away boxes (for skincare/makeup)
I don't have clothing sponsors so all of the clothes are bought by myself. Most of them are from F21.
These are the clothes I bought from BKK when I went there. I wanted to start up a online clothing store but in the end I didn't bother to. The dresses here are gorgeous and brand new... (Click HERE to see the green one on video)
And yes all the clothes are for sale at either $2, $5 OR $10!!!
$2 for any 5. Please grab. All preloved, FYI. Same for hair accessories! Didn't take a picture.
Also selling my shoes!!
EVERYTHING at $2 or $5!!
My size is 5/36 but sometimes I buy shoes in bigger sizes. All the shoes in the front are brand new, never worn before! Some of them I wore maybe once or twice. Once again, if you are not comfortable with this, please don't buy.
Also for sale are my makeup!! All brand new items included many many eyelashes, foundations etc. $2/$5 for everything!!
Bags. Used and new... On sale for either $2 or $5.
I might be selling other items too... I haven't finished packing!!
OK so I think a lot of you are very excited... Except for the two cameras, nothing cost more than $10 each!! So how do you go about buying?
It's very simple. Just like any other flea market, you make your way there. First come first served.
- The sale is from 12pm - 6pm.
- Please queue up. There will only be a limited amount of people allowed into the warehouse at any time. One person leaves, next person can enter. So if you want the LX3 and you think it will be popular, then you better queue up early for it.
- Each person can only buy up to 10 items. You pick whatever you want, pay, and you have to leave. You can buy more by rejoining the queue.
- Please bring your own bags, no plastic bags will be given.
- The sale is CASH ONLY.
- I reserve the right to reject sales to you and ask you to leave should you annoy me. I know I sound very hostile but CMON. I've already gotten so many rude comments and questions from people. Everything I am selling is EXTREMELY cheap. I've mentioned that I hate unabashed people, so if you ask me for a discount, ask me to give you freebies, insult my products or even ask me dumb questions, I'm gonna ask you to leave. Like if you say stuff like "Look at this dress it is a bit frayed can I have it for $1?". If you don't want to buy, other people want to. Let's not waste everybody's time.
- I regret to say I'd possibly be really busy that day so I cannot take photos with you guys!! Unless you pay $2 or $5. $2 for a photo of me with a chao bin $5 for a smiling photo. HAHAHA!! Just kidding lah no photos!! Sorry!! Next time, ok?
So here's the map!
This is supposed to be a fun, happy event but so many people already have pissed me off wtf.
I need to rant.
I've gotten emails from people asking me to reserve some contacts for them, or mail some to them, or begging me to send overseas. It's so annoying, why are there such self entitled people?!
NO. You want to buy, you make an effort to go there like everyone else! What makes you so special that I have to reserve or mail them to you?!
And then I posted up this photo of Junne and Shuyin who came over to have first pick of the clothes I don't want anymore.

To which some fucker decided to let me know that she thinks that I am treating my friends like beggers.
FUCK YOU. Many of my clothes are in mint condition or brand new and if I can't wear them or don't like them anymore what's wrong with letting my friends pick whatever they want? I'm sorry, but you must not have friends because everytime your friend is nice to you you think she is treating you like a begger.
AND THEN... As if all this is not enough, there are the fuckers who claim that just because a lot of the items I'm selling are sponsored, I am not entitled to sell them but should give them away, free.
PLEASE. I would rather burn all my stuff in a giant fire than to give them to YOU free. (You referring to the rude assholes, not all my blog readers).
Why should I give you anything for free? Honeycolor gave me the lens in exchange for a blog banner, tweets, and fb mentions. If I give them to you, what are you giving me in exchange? You think just because you read my blog I owe you? If you think that way, PLEASE FUCK OFF.
You read my blog, I give you entertainment in exchange for your one additional hit. I owe you NOTHING. If you find this an unworthy deal, please feel free to jump off a cliff and never grace this blog again. URGH!! Buay paiseh people make me so fucking mad!!!!!
I earned everything I am sponsored today with my WORK. I had to blog for my advertisers. You think what, photoshoots just mushroom out of nowhere? Pictures edit themselves? Fuck you if you think I should be giving stuff away free... Especially when I'm selling them at such a low price. $5 for a pair of contacts you cannot afford? I got force you to buy is it? I sell at $5 or $500... It is still NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS because you can make the choice not to buy it.
SHOULD Birkins be $30,000? They probably shouldn't... Maybe you can go to Hermes and tell them that just because they already earned so much from Taitais paying $30,000 a bag, they should give Birkins away free from now on.
Ridiculous! People are so ridiculous. I hope I encounter none of them on Saturday!
Ok rant over. I'd see the rest of you nice people over there that day! :D
Here's a chio photo of me:

Minggu, 15 April 2012
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