Jumat, 06 Juli 2007


I'm sure all of you would have heard of Live Earth!!

Today is 07-07-07 (unless you wanna nitpick about the 2 in the 2007 but personally I'd let it go), and Live Earth is happening right now in Singapore!

What is this big hooha about this Live Earth thing? According to their website, it's "... a series of concerts to take place across all 7 continents on 7 July 2007 and an urgent call-to-action to start taking steps to save our planet."

So yes... I've been asked to do my part to blog for 4 hours tonight from 5pm till 9pm at One Fullerton (I sincerely hope the people there will provide me dinner), so if you want to catch me there, you are welcome to visit!!!!!!!

Mike will be there too, in case any spgs want to come and try to seduce him.

For more information, you can click here and here.


p/s: As a note of interest, if you guys can only choose 1 of these 3 topics for me to blog about, which will be your choice?

1) True love story of how Mike and I got together
2) Pre-photoshop pre-nose-job pictures exposed!! The Real Xiaxue
3) Top 5 most disgusting bloggers in the Singaporean Blogosphere

Choose only one!!!

Rabu, 04 Juli 2007

Indulgzing is not just for the super rich - Part II



The day Indulgz announces its new menu is the day I am happy!

Some of you have seen my first advertorial for them (that was a happy day too!) and this is my second!

(Digressing a little bit, I'm very poor thing lor... I was editing the photos for this entry, and the photos look so delicious that I got reallllllly hungry, but all there was to eat at home is Maggi mee, which I just ate. It's disgusting, when all I want is good, yummy Indulgz food.)

Indulgz Bistro is situated at Tan Quee Lan Street, Bugis, directly opposite the DHL balloon!

I invited Shuyin, Wanyi and Eekean this time (since Wanyi missed out the last time due to her being sick, and Weili is now overseas), but WY had to go to something the very last minute, so Mike took over instead!

Mike was so happy he might have skipped around a bit. Like a bumblebee. I love Transformers!

Back to the topic...

Welcome in!

Shuyin and EK are ungrateful twerps! They were late!

Eekean being even later than Shuyin...

We started without her and her lawyerly woes.

First up was an alcoholic drink... a new kind:


A FLIRTINI! (geddit? Pun on martini?)

This is apple liquor with slices of green apple floating on top.

It is sweet with a hint of fresh green apples and a secret ingredient that none of us could guess...

The alcoholics of the table (ie Mike and Shuyin) snatched it up

And notice how there are no straws or cocktail forks?

The secret...

Christin says that it is for us to pick up with our fingers seductively!

I'm obviously not seductive in this photo but you could pick it up while looking at your partner, smack your lips before putting the apple in, or lick your fingers afterwards... See! The possibilities are endless (provided you are not like fugly)!

Apparently, don't drink this in front of your father/mother/siblings. (*hums Curse of the Golden Flower song)

I drank this in front of Shuyin and she looked at me like she wanted to make out. I shook my head at her. She then looked very downcast.


An interesting soup!

It's chilled to a perfect temperature (too cold and it becomes like a dessert, too warm and it's yucky), and its sweet instead of savoury like your normal soup!

The taste of fresh peaches is really refreshing, and it's blended with premium white wine - just a hint of the wine as an aftertaste to round it up.

Somehow, this soup made me really hungry. I guess that's the point of an appetizer, huh?

Soup contestant number 2...



I love this soup soooo much! Mike too, for that matter...

Lobster bisque, salty, creamy and seafoody (I know there is no such word, but you know what I mean), completed with real fresh crabmeat that's even plucked out of the crab shell for you!

I like this soup so much I even gave it a star because it is my favourite! (I ceased giving stars after this picture because I have too many favourites)

And best of all, the price!

Me, to Christin: "WOAH! How much is this ah?"

Christin: "$7.80."

Me: "Shit man, next time I come here I really don't know which soup to order already lar! I like the tomato one and the mushroom one and now this too? How?!"

Christin: "Hahaha... Order all lor."

That woman wants me broke!

Exactly what the picture says it is


We got served the classic Indulgz favorite again, Camembert Cheese!

Deep-fried cheese with a soft, watery inside, accompanied compatibly by authentic berry compote.

How do I say this? Yes... Deep-fried to perfection!

Christin says that this requires skills coz you have to melt the inside and have the outside just the right crispiness!

The mixed berry sauce complements the nutty creamy taste of the camembert cheese.

Finally, Miss Big Shot arrives!

There was this office crisis according to her. And when she came she still yakked on the phone for a long time!

We all stared at her angrily but she smiled at us and continued talking... That is until I took her cheese and threw it squarely at her forehead.

When Christin saw the cheese burst and dripping on Eekean's forehead, she frowned at me, but I pointed at Shuyin, who looks exactly the sort who will throw delicious fried cheese around. Christin gave Shuyin a stern look.

Haha... I'm an excellect story-writer. It all ends in comedic violence.

I'm joking. Eekean gobbled up her cheese before I could throw it. What? If she wasn't so fast I'd have thrown it at her! I am that violent and scary.


Mesclun (mixed garden salad in Italian) which is a mix of 7 different salad vegetables - all tossed in Indulgz's special honey balsamic sauce! To add, some avocado slices, fresh peeled prawns, cherry tomatoes and a healthy sprinkling of sunflower seeds.

The special ingredient here is obviously the avocados (my first time eating them, to be honest), which taste fantastic with the cherry tomatoes!

Just in case there are people like me, no, the avocado doesn't taste like facial foam. Interesting isn't it, when it is so good for skin? It's actually creamy and buttery. :)

Five prawns, and I wanted to fight for the last one, but everyone just let me have it. Boring!

Eekean's and Shuyin's personal favourite up next:


While eating Mos burger one day, I asked some random friend, "Why must it be bread kiap meat, or like, rice kiap meat? Why cannot meat kiap bread leh?"

This random friend (I think it's Shuyin), replied that then it will be very drippy and messy.

Indulgz one-upped me and did this Portobello Burger - MUSHROOM KIAP MEAT!

With a large portobello mushroom as your "burger breads", there is no longer a worry that it will be dry!

The portobello mushroom's juice (and oh, how juicy is is) infuses the chicken breast-meat patty - which is surprisingly soft and tender!

This dish is served with Indulgz's trademark truffled mash potatoes (v v good) and mesclun.


I was cutting the patty when I exclaimed at Christin, "WOAH! GOT CHEESE ONE!"

And indeed there was

I said, "Why you never tell me got cheese inside the patty, you waiting for me to find out by myself then praise you right?"

Christin just smiled mysteriously.

For $23.90 this burger is worth it, considering its novelty and the fact that portobello mushrooms are really expensive!


I don't know much about beef and its different cuts and qualities, but I know that this is one yummy steak!!!

This quality ribeye steak undergoes Indulgz's strict policy of not freezing its beef ever, and instead, just chilled during storage.

Chilled beef has blood ooze out and even when its cooked to well-done, you can still see the pink meat inside.

This ribeye is so soft and tender its like a tenderloin, really. Christin says that it is treated with a secret recipe so that its juices are retained and won't be lost in the process of char-grilling.

My gobbling up the steak is testament to that!

Served with mashed potatoes and mesclun.

Take a short break... Photo time!

LATECOMERS Shuyin and Eekean

Mike and I...

Wait... There is more food!

$16.90/$16.90 + $1.50

Indulgz's famous Crispy Pasta got a make-over!

For those of you who remember (or bothered to click the last advertorial), which dish used to be in cream sauce, but for customers who think too much cream might be jelat (overwhelming), Indulgz is proud to present its new creation of tomato cream sauce!!

And it's nice!!

The pasta is angel-hair pasta deep-fried till crispy, a la "sheng mian". Interesting isn't it?

And in this version, besides the usual chicken strips and mushroom slices, there are also tomato bits. Yum!

Your choice of tomato cream or just normal cream.


With a generous thick layer of melted cheese, real juicy ribeye minced beef (chilled, never frozen), tomato based rice and all sitted in a claypot, I have to say that this is one of our favourite dishes too!

Mike says it is a lot like lasagne.. :)

Christin says that beef bolognaise is not a good choice to have outside, since the beef for bolognaise is very likely to be leftover unfresh cheap cuts of beef that have been frozen for a long time - since bolognaise beef is minced and less easy to get found out.

At Indulgz though, the beef is guaranteed to be fresh, handminced ribeye - meant to give extra chew, sweetness, and value in this dish!

I, glutton

This marks the end of the main courses...

Eekean is happy

Shuyin is still pecking at the food...
Although by this time we are all predictably SUPER FULL.

Mike is happy too but I can't take this photo since he is beside me.

And this next item, my dear readers, is a competition to my favourite dessert of creme brulee!


And it won!

Indulgz incredibly made its old panna cotta EVEN BETTER now - infused with Earl Grey!

The custard-like panna cotta is extremely soft, sweet (but not too much), wobbly and smooth, with an even consistancy that melts in your mouth in the most gratifying manner!

The bottom of the glass is where the earl grey favour is, and it mixes so well, I swear earl grey should be invented as a companion for panna cotta and not a tea.

I love this love this love this!


So cute, this is called Elvis Pop!

Brownie that's rolled in fudge (already it sounds good) and then rolled in lots of chopped almond nuts!!

This brownie is made by Indulgz's own baker so it's not overwhelmingly sweet. Served warm to us and comes with a big scoop of delicious house vanilla ice cream.

Mike gobbled this up, citing "This is my favourite dessert" as his excuse. Sigh. Angmohs.

We were then treated to Indulgz's thick shakes at $6.80 each.

Smooth and sweet vanilla milkshake with real marshmellow bits and two big marshmellows on top!

A refreshing drink to quench thirst or to clear your palate... This is a bit sour and blended with ice.

Double attack of butterscotch AND caramel, with generous dollops of caramel swirled around the cup!

This is my favourite shake EVER, and Christin devastated me by saying she is taking this off the menu!!

I begged and begged her (Mike absolutely loves this drink too) and even told her an embarrassing secret...

I like the drink so much that after I finish it I use my fingers to dig up the remainder caramel!

Christin looked at me judgementally (kidding) but agreed to keep the drink in the menu!

So go buy it already before she changes her mind and takes it out again!

$6.80 may not be as amazingly cheap as the rest of Indulgz's food, but that's because the shakes are all humongous! Can also be shared with a friend if you don't want so much.


By popular demand, Indulgz conjured alcoholic thick shakes that are unique to them!!

This one is house vanilla ice-cream infused with real lychee liquor and it is really nice and not too sweet!

Shuyin liked it so much that she drank half of it before I remembered to take a photo... -_-

And this marks the end of my entry...

Christin: "You take the empty plate for what?"

Me: "Show that we really like your food mah!"

Happy people!!!


This new menu is going to be launched this Friday (6th), and to celebrate Indulgz's first anniversary, Indulgz will be giving away a 10% discount for the first 50 customers starting from the launch date!

You have to state that you are my blog reader (and that you think I'm gorgeous and also the best) before you are entitled to this discount.

Thinking of nice places to eat that won't burn your pocket, huh?

No doubt la, Indulgz is the place to go.

Call 6238 7032, or email at enquiry@indulgz.com for reservations.

If you want to see more of their food selections, hop over to Indulgz' website.

See ya guys there!

Minggu, 01 Juli 2007

Me: "HA! Hey come see this baby, Paris Hilton drew this in jail!"

Mike: "Where...? That?! HAHAHA SO CHILDISH!" *continues to guffaw to himself while giving his attention back to the TV*

I don't know why, but I thought that was so funny!

I'm just imagining Paris standing at the side of Mike, pouting, frowning and stamping her feet, and she goes all "I'm not childish! That's not hot..." in her silly drawl, and Mike, looks at her and laughs and continues to eat his chips while explaining slowly, "But Paris... It is...".


Isn't it funny? Paris drew herself without the wonky eye!

DETECTIVE WORK! There seems to be a Dear Harvey note stamped on it! Must be her note to Harvey Norman to send her a bed!

That's not funny, I apologize.

I know I kinda sound like I don't like Paris, but I do! I find her entertaining. :)

I actually got quite pissed off with the tabloids when they all posted up videos of her crying when she got sent back to jail...

All the tabloids had captions like, "Oh joy! Paris Hilton gets thrown back to jail!"


People already so poor thing then still they wanna say such mean stuff about her!

I mean, sure, she can't read random tabloid websites in jail la, but I don't think she's a bad person, right?

SO WHAT if she takes drugs, is racist (but never did anything about it), has regular sex that is sometimes taped, and flashes her vagina to the world?

These are all her personal choices that don't affect the rest of the world (except that the world chooses to know about these things themselves, which is not her fault)!

I'm sure there are many other really bad people outside who deserve to go to jail more than her!

It's really disgusting how so many people are rooting for her to go to jail, just out of pure spite.

They are just unhappy to see her leading such an easy life, and they want her to get a piece of the hardship pie.

But it's not her fault she is born lucky! So why should she deserve to be penalised for leading an easy life?! Other people who are unhappy about it can jolly well do good deeds this lifetime and hope that their next life will be a hotel heiress!

And all the guys I know hate her to the core... and their reason?



How is she a slut?

After reading about her for like 2 years or so, she had like, what, 10 boyfriends or something? And these guys are all either cute, or Greek shipping heirs!

Obviously, when a girl is pretty and eligible like her (yeah right, as if you guys won't fuck her if you had the chance to), she will get a lot of proposals from guys who are interested, and I'm SURE like 80 percent of girls won't say no to fucking a shipping heir with $30 million in inheritance and looks not bad!

You know what guys? It's just SO EASY.

Too easy for you guys to just talk.

All these male tabloid writers and other guys who "despise" her.

AND SO WHAT IF SHE IS A SLUT? Is it against your personal morals that girls are sometimes easy to get into bed? No, coz obviously guys don't seem to have anything against prostitutes, right?

Why Paris then?

That leaves only one possible conclusion:

You guys are just sore that although she is so slutty image-wise, yet you know that she would never have sex with you.

Yup. Sad isn't it?

Next time you guys call a girl a slut, think about how stupid you sound, when the party who hears you know that despite being easy, that girl you insulted would never touch your penis with a ten-foot pole. :)

Enough about Paris!

To those who are interested, I've got fired off Stomp for not going for the Wednesday night chats regularly (I apologize to the one or so non-star-blogger who wanted to chat with me)!

I won't say I'd miss anything though, it's honestly their loss (C'mon, I'm the best blogger around, man!) and I've been feeling quite regimented over there lately - seems that the sieving and editing they do have increased since the start, when I remember I was allowed to holler vulgarities and go as irrelevant I want to. Stifling.

Good old days those were...

Can't be helped I guess, since muthafucking stupid readers COMPLAIN.

That's what stupid, useless people do all day long to feel like they have some sort of power! They complain!! And businesses listen! And thus these people feel important! Because in real life nobody gives a shit about them! *shakes head*

It is in my humble opinion that Stomp should not listen to said muthafucking stupid narrow-minded readers, but what do I know? I've only been blogging for 4 years. =)


You know what I realised the other day? I was at Stomp's party thingy, and in front of Gillian and I were this bunch of really loserish-looking "readers".

Gillian looked at one of them, and said, "Look at him, he is exactly the kinda person who tells you you are ugly and stupid on your blog you know?

"That guy, right there. Are you telling me you should care when someone like that tells you that you are stupid?" -- or something to that effect, and Gillian laughed.

I looked at that guy Gillian was sniggering at, and suddenly her point really hit me right on the forehead.

She is so right! These lower tier of society's dumbasses' opinions should not matter to me!

I actually got quite mad! Such an ugly and unappealing and socially unacceptable person has no rights to say I am ugly!!!!!!!!!!!111

And it is hilarious, really, that people get affected by these anonymous losers who force their opinions upon website owners!

In any case, remember that some time ago I mentioned a post about the top 5 most disgusting bloggers in the Singaporean blogosphere?

Well, I didn't post it because of one of the people in that post is a "star blogger" *roll eyes gently* and I was scared of being fired.

But since now I am fired, so be it!

I'd post the entry up once it's finished. :)

(NO, it's not Dawn, for the last last time)

Oh happy day!

I saw some new baby pink furniture at Ikea yesterday, and I can't wait to decorate my princess room!

Plus, I just had good food at Indulgz again (for advertorial 2), and man, I tell you, the food there is soooooo fabulous!

Now, if you guys excuse me, I'd go ahead and continue leading my quite perfect life. :) I will be much poorer without Stomp's paycheck but it's ok! Money comes and goes! Right? Right?? Stop being mean! You guys are supposed to comfort me!

p/s: Episode 5 is out!


p/p/s: I just reread my entry and realised that the "Harvey" Paris was writing to can't be Harvey Norman coz in her drawing inside the "TV" is Harvey Levin from TMZ! Stupid stupid.