Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Rika Izumi

Rika Izumi to modelka, aktorka i piosenkarka. Poprzednio znana pod nazwiskiem Chisaki Hama. Kojarzona głównie z roli Ami Mizuno z serialu live action PGSM, a także jako modelka popularnego japońskiego magazynu o modzie 'Ray'.

Dodatkowe informacje na stronie:
oraz  http://www.izumirika.com/profile/

Official Blog:  http://ameblo.jp/izumi-rika/

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

2010 in a nutshell

Got a new DSLR camera and a ring light, which every other female blogger is using now too. Gave Pumpkin away. Had my biggest advertorial client of a total of 7 posts from Essential. Got married.

Wedding day

Went to London, where I watched Wicked and ate at a 1 Michelin Star restaurant. Removed my tongue stud. Did plastic surgery on my eyes - made no difference so I started wearing eyelid tape.

Newly cut eyes

Gave a presentation to over 300 people in the Canon Symposium. Went to Bintan for Gillian's birthday. Flew to Dallas, Texas in May, and in December again where I blew up fireworks for the first time. When to Kuala Lumpur in May for a press conference, and again in August for a shopping advert.

With my favourite KL girls Cheesie and Audrey

Got on Shin min, Cleo, Style Weddings etc. Nanolove passed away. Started to be a skincare freak. Started on invisalign to get straight teeth.

Wearing my aligners for the first time

Went to Tokyo where I had the best ramen I've ever eaten and shopped in the famed Shibuya 109. Made a video with top female youtube star Michelle Phan, which was the top freaking viewed video on Nov 10, 2010.

Invited to Tbilisi, Georgia, to give a talk about vlogging. Started learning Japanese. Painted a self portrait. Invited to the awesome Pixar studios in San Francisco with 15 vloggers chosen worldwide to watch Toy Story 3 before everyone else; met director Lee Unkrich.

With the director and producer of Toy Story 3

Went on a sponsored trip to Phuket with Mike, where we stayed in a villa like royalty. Flew to Los Angeles to watch Rapunzel, a Tangled Tale and interview Mandy Moore and Zachery Levi.

Why hello there!

That about sums up my year!! Can't believe I got out of the country (if you don't count JB) 10 freaking times! Madness! 2010 has been a great year for me. :) There were probably some bad stuff that happened too but I can't remember most of them coz my memory is super bad wtf. I think it's some subconscious ability to forgot the shitty.

If you are bored you can click the links if you haven't already read them all.

Hopefully life gets even better come 2011!! :D

How was your year?

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Santa baby

It's kinda difficult to blog over here in Dallas with my super laggy old laptop... Each step of photoshopping takes a few seconds!

So I'm gonna just do a patronizing entry with one camwhoring shot done in the car:

On Xmas day it's gonna be -2 degree Celsius! But with no chance of snow.

Oh well! Still, over here in USA got a lot of Xmas ambiance!!

Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas with your family and friends! Except for haters. Hope haters all choke on a turkey bone.


Fashion Mix

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Yumachi & Aina

Yumachi & Aina to Yuma Takahashi i Aina Tanaka dwie modelki znane z magazynu Egg, w tym roku zadebiutowały jako  piosenkarki wydając w czerwcu płytę "Queen" Dziewczyny reprezentują styl zwany 'gyaru', styl dziewczyn kreujących się na księżniczki (w Japonii 'hime-gyaru'). Znakami rozpoznawczymi dziewczyn stylizujących się na gyaru to głównie farbowanie przedłużonych, często kręconych włosów na blond, perfekcyjny makijaż z mocno zaakcentowanymi oczami, tipsy, tiary, kokardki, oraz ekstrawagancki ubiór.

Official Blog Sites:
Yuma Takahashi: http://ameblo.jp/yuma-takahashi/
Aina Tanaka: http://ameblo.jp/aina-tanaka/

Yumachi & Aina - Queen [2010]

 Yumachi & Aina - LOVE (pierwszy singiel z płyty "Queen") 


Yuma i Aina opowiadają o stylu gyaru oraz komentują przyjazd do Finlandii na konwent Tsukicon 2010.