Selasa, 24 April 2007

Please don't break up with me

Don't dump me ok? Don't leave me for other regularly updated albeit mediocre blogs!

I tried so hard, I did!

But the cb Midplaza Hotel in Manhattan had a shitty internet connection, which costs $10 USD a day and I had to go to Gillian's room to use it... so yeah la, not very convenient.

But here I am! Finally got back home and slept off the jetlag.

78 photos.

And one new tattoo.

One day, I randomly suggested to Qingqing, "You wanna get a same tattoo with me and KK? Something small la, like a tiny star or heart or something."

QQ kept quiet, so I thought she wasn't agreeable to it, which is quite normal mind you, since most people won't agree to a tattoo just on a whim like that.

I prodded, "What you think?"

And she said, "Yeah I want! I am thinking where to put it."

Ha! Damn steady one ok! Then she suggested putting it behind our ear.

KK was told about this idea the day after, and she was damn enthu about it, so here we are at the tattoo parlour, all getting our second tatts. Sigh. Such zest for life!!

Digressing, tattooing is fucking addictive ok?

Honestly, I was asking the girls if they were gonna have more tatts, and they all said a loud, "YES."

Hahaha! The thing is, we all have no idea what else to ink, but just know that we are not "complete" yet.

I think I know why.

Once you get over the fact that having a print on your skin forever is not that big a deal, you realise you have a fucking damn lot of skin you can customise to your liking, and man, it's honestly quite overwhelming.

And that's why most people don't only have one tattoo. It's addictive!

Mike told me not to get more coz it seems to him that I am getting further and further away from what I was when he got together with me (nose job, tattoos, un-blonde hair, not tan anymore), but he is so siao can, I thought men are naturally polygamous - so he should be happy that it would seem like he got some new chick(s) to have sex with, no?

Back to the tattooing... When we reached Parkmall, I said I think I'd rather do a heart than a star, and the girls got very mad at me!!

They said what's the point of getting a "same" tattoo if I am getting a different design from them?

Bah. So I got the tattooist to draw the star on me with a marker.

Something like this! I'm sold.

The other ear had a heart, and it looks awful.

QQ, pre-tattooing

KK with marker-drawn tattoo


Qihua sms-ing while waiting


Parkmall's tatt parlour was such a BIG mistake. The owner (I think), Joseph, was not around, and we all got done by the apprentice, who is shitty to say the least.

He has no sense of proportion! You'll see.

Looks ok?


It's a fucking distorted star can!

And he can't even see what's wrong with it (it is soooo obvious), and I had to take a picture, enlarge it on my cam, and point out to him that the star is neither symmetrical nor straight.

After he touched it up it was better.

God! Never again.

My snowflake tattooist Jeremy Tan is sooooooo much better.

My turn!

I wanted a fat pink star:

The pen-drawn star mock-up was sooooo distorted I made him reprint and redraw it.

This kinda thing cannot be shui bian (easy-going) one ok, even if I only paid $50 for it. And I was told $50 was a rip-off.

My pink star...!!

This time, it REALLY HURT.

It hurt so bad I had to crush Mike's hand while he was colouring it in. On a scale of ten for pain, this one's like 5/10. Which is quite bad because the snowflake was 2/10!

I think he really pressed too hard on my skin, my snowflake had like nooooooo blood at all, but my star...

Very bleedy

Mike is the only one uninked now

We are chio!


This is before the scab came off...

Now the star's a baby pink colour.

I know! It's not very well-done. I'm gonna go get it touched up by my snowflake guy.

That's it about the tattoo!

Random photo:

Mike being cute

Gillian's birthday!

Mike and I on our way

At this nice French restaurant

Choosing dishes

All of us, with Mr Tan (G's dad) blurred out coz he wants his privacy

Birthday girl with Rozz Joey and Bryan

They got engaged when G was 22! I am 23! MIKEEE!!!!!!!!!

Horrible raw-ish scallops. Hate raw food

The dish is almost finished, but this is the BEST salad I ever had!

Warm prawn salad. YUM

Mediocre foie gras

Mike + me

Us girls

Being a director, Gillian knows she must know and master all sorts of expressions.

For example,

"This one, my cake ah?"

"Must be joking right, nah bey, so small like ant."

"Heh? Answer, anyone?"

"OK la, I try to make do with this."

"I want more cake!"

Of black

And boots

And love + stars

Random photo:

Kelvin acting like Ikea ape

My new pink highlights/extensions!!

With make up and on my way to Dr Georgia Lee's Superstar party!!!

Held at the glamourous poolside of Marriott hotel

Stripper waiters

The girls with fellow star blogger Joe Augustin!

So much fab food it is scary!

In front of the smaller stage

This one Rozz had her eyes closed but my hair looks mighty fine!



We were trying to mimic the poster behind. :D

David Gan, Cynthia Koh, Ivy Lee, Chen Han Wei

Grabbed over by Joe

Me and Paris Hilton!

(On left, Dr Lee)

So many gorgeous people!!

Entertainment was provided, such as...

A real-life fire blower!!!

He said his fire sticks are "Fire Satay"s and they are delicious!

Do try this at home, stupid people, and try to die from it.

Tarot card reader. She talks quite a bit of nonsense I think.

The pool side is sooooo beautiful

And lastly, a photo of Rozz, Dr Georgia Lee, and me!

I am sooooo sleepy now, good night!

Super busy.

Anyone got a recording of my MSU question?

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